Thank you for everyone’s support and co-operation during the power cut on Thursday 5th December. Saturday 7th – School Christmas Bazaar 10am – 12pm….

We are pleased to announce that Jo Wilson will take up her position as our new Head Teacher from Monday 6 January 2014, and we…

Wednesday – recording for Camera Club Thursday – Junior Tour Guides performance Friday – Book Shop Saturday – Christmas Bazaar 10am-12pm

uniform letter 28 11 13 To coincide with the launch of our houses in school we have added a range of plain unembroidered coloured…

Wednesday – Roslin and Bilston Nurseries visit by Purves Puppets at Bilston Nursery. Thursday – P1-P7 pantomine visit to the Brunton Theatre followed by…

Roslin Primary School Parent Council Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday 6th November 2013 1. Present: John Phillips(JP)(Chair), Claire Witney(CW)(Treasurer), Lyndsey Hayes(LH1), Rhona Farren(RF), Dorothy Denham(DD), Andrea…