Wednesday – recording for Camera Club Thursday – Junior Tour Guides performance Friday – Book Shop Saturday – Christmas Bazaar 10am-12pm

uniform letter 28 11 13 To coincide with the launch of our houses in school we have added a range of plain unembroidered coloured…

Wednesday – Roslin and Bilston Nurseries visit by Purves Puppets at Bilston Nursery. Thursday – P1-P7 pantomine visit to the Brunton Theatre followed by…

Roslin Primary School Parent Council Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday 6th November 2013 1. Present: John Phillips(JP)(Chair), Claire Witney(CW)(Treasurer), Lyndsey Hayes(LH1), Rhona Farren(RF), Dorothy Denham(DD), Andrea…

Thank you to all those families that came out to support our curriculum evening last week. We hope you now have a better understanding of…

Last week, all the children at Roslin Primary School did us proud by participating in our whole school co-operative learning task. Within our school houses,…