Minutes of Parent Council meeting 23rd March 2011
Minutes of Roslin Primary School Parent Council meeting, 23/3/2011
Present – Jennifer Allison (JA), Lesley Bee (LB), Pat Brack (PB), Sarah Keer-Keer (SKK) (Chair), Claire Witney (CW), John Phillips (JP), Julie Owenson (JO).
1. Apologies: Lesley Liddle, Anna Hulton, Suzanne Rowe, Mark Turner, Les Thacker (Councillor), Owen Thompson (Councillor).
2. Minutes of 26th January 2011 meeting approved.
3. Matters Arising
a: CFE Evening feedback
Everyone felt the evening was excellent, however JP and SKK noticed that the attendees were all familiar faces, and suggested targeted higher profile involvement next year for children whose parents do not usually attend, in order to encourage a broader take-up.
JO mentioned the age cutoff due to the relatively late end time and that it would be useful to have older children working with younger ones in advance to try to avoid this. JA suggested more use of video by older children.
b: Dog Fouling poster competition results were shown, and suggestions made for use around the school. The council Dog Warden is to visit.
Signs have been commissioned for the school gates, and a double gate for the park entrance costed (to go ahead) and automatic closers for the other gates costed (not to go ahead).
SKK asked whether the school gates can be closed and/or locked. JA agreed, conditional on a response from Midlothian Council re the Public Right Of Way issue . CW suggested that the gates only be closed during times when children are actually present in the school grounds, to retain community access at other times. Further discussion required.
c: Playground Supervisor recruitment – JA will check funding availability from the next budget and proceed.
4. Vision Statement. SKK requested suggestions for improving the Vision Statement, with particular reference to how it is perceived by the children.
5. Playground signs – covered in 3b.
6. Preparation for next session. It was agreed that the PC meeting for May 4th should be a special liason with the remaining PTA members to discuss how the PTA will be incorporated into the PC. The AGM on May 25th should be more widely publicised to parents as an opportunity to offer services or volunteer for the new combined body, but not to take up new positions. (Wine and nibbles to be offered). The final PC meeting of the session on June 8th will decide positions in the new body.
7. Headteacher’s Report. PB reported that the draft Travel Survey results are ready and will be posted on the school website (JP to facilitate). SKK asked what percentage of parents do not have internet access and need paper copies to be made available – JA to survey parents.
School Improvement Plan – priorities for Health & Wellbeing, Equality, CFE and both Nursery classes. The School Handbook is to be updated before the next session, CW to assist. Homework policy for next session is to be reviewed.
(From earlier – JA mentioned that the link to the school website from Midlothian Council’s website is out of date and needs to be changed to the new one – to contact Alan Thompson.) Also that Midlothian Council have so far despite several requests failed to provide a link to Survey Monkey and that time is getting short.
The Health And Safety Audit was very positive, particular mention being made of the school’s risk assessments. All staff have now attended Child Protection training.
The Internet Safety talk was very informative but disappointment expressed at the low level of attendance. JA to investigate whether Facebook can be contacted directly over breaches of their User Agreement regarding age of account holders.
8. No additional communication.
9. A.O.C.B. – JO asked whether the school has an Outdoor Education policy and about Forest Schools. JA to check and find out what information is available.
10. Date of next meeting – Wednesday 4th May, brought forward to 7pm start. It is felt that a return to 2-hour meetings would be preferable due to the amount of PC business.