Minutes of Parent Council meeting 2nd November 2011
Roslin Primary School
Parent Council
Minutes of meeting on 2nd November 2011
1. Present: John Phillips (JP) (Chair), Sarah Keer-Keer (SKK), Anna Hulton (AH), Suzanne Rowe (SR), Mairi Needham (MN), Claire Witney (CW) (Minutes), Nina Sobecka (NS), Annie Douglas (AD), Sam Hamilton (SH), Pam Stewart (PS), Juliet Ridgway-Tait (JRT), Jennifer Allison (JA), Teresa Reid (TR), Caroline Findlay (CF)
Apologies: Fran Jones (FJ), Angela Newton (AN), Kim Blair (KB), Shelley Kay (SK), Donna Hogg (DH), Suzanne Black (SB), Mark Turner (MT), Pat Brack (PB)
2. Minutes of meeting on 31st August accepted
3. Matters arising
a) Gate – The gate between the school and park was installed in the October break. SK secured ₤300 funding from Roslin/Bilston Community Council. Rotary have been approached regarding the remaining cost. The gate to the park and the gate at the P3 playground will be locked during breaks and the gates at P1 and P4/5/6/7 will remain unlocked but monitored to allow access to the school and nursery.
Action: CW to follow up request for funding from Rotary.
b) Hedge – Alan Krumhold (AK) (Ranger) visited the site with Midlothian Council. The hedge is to be planted (at no cost to school) in two sessions – one with pupils and one at the weekend with local community groups. The dates are to be confirmed. JP mentioned the need to mend the fence prior to planting.
Action: AH to contact AK re planting date.
JP to speak to Eric re mending fence.
c) Bank account – AH advised that the bank balance is ₤648.84. A new account is to be opened and funds will be transferred from PTA account.
Action: AH to arrange signatory forms and open new account.
d) Signs – Dog fouling signs to go up in next week or so. Main entrance sign is still being arranged by Owen Thompson.
4. Head teacher’s report
a) Support for learning teacher – Mrs Laura Langdon has taken up post and is already teaching pupils.
b) Standards & Quality – School Improvement Plan is displayed in school and is working document. JA discussed progress, audit processes, current standardised testing for P4 and P7 and that next year, the school will purchase standardized tests for P2 – P7 so progress can be tracked throughout school. JA invites parent feedback.
c) HMIE – The chair of PC will now be interviewed by the HMIE inspector and will receive record of findings to discuss with HT and together a plan to address issues will be formulated. JA emphasized importance of working with parents to improve the school.
d) P1 Questionnaire – On the whole, positive feedback was received. Timing of full days and lunchtime trials caused most concern. CW suggested that the lunchtime trial might be held when P1 are still on half days and that P1 lunch might start earlier initially so pupils are not too overwhelmed by the number of older children and the noise level in the canteen. PS suggested a questionnaire for parents of Bilston children starting P3 who face similar challenges of a new environment. JA will consider all suggestions.
5. Security
Following a few recent security issues – the After School Club has tightened up procedures for collecting pupils; dismissal of P1 pupils has been reviewed and amended to ensure every pupil stays at the P1 entrance until their responsible adult arrives; the fence in P2/P3 playground has been mended (₤200 cost to school) and the low wall in the P1 playground has had a security fence installed (₤1500 from Midlothian Council security budget). Out with break times, the gate from P1 to reception should remain unlocked to allow late comers easy access to school and all pupils to be informed how to access the school if they are locked out.
6. Music Update
NS and CW had very positive meeting with JA and the music teachers (Grant Alexander(GA) and Liz Finlayson(LF)). Both teachers support teaching an instrument to a class group. GA already uses xylophones and keyboards and would like to include guitars. LF uses rhythm and percussion for infant area pupils and would be happy to teach recorder from P3. A letter requesting old unused instruments will be sent out to parents. The PC unanimously supports the purchase of a class set of descant recorders (₤2.50 each) in January.
An opportunity exists to source a set of African drums at reduced cost and JP has access to guitars of various size and quality. Both options will be reviewed depending on donations received.
Action: NS to send out letter re unwanted instruments.
7. School Sale Update
The Christmas sale will be held on Saturday 3rd Dec and JRT is the lead contact. JRT has a good list of volunteers from parents, staff and pupils. Last year the sale raised ₤1874 and the working group are selecting activities which were most successful as well as those which are fun for the children. JRT suggests a PR person is required to co-ordinate requests for support/donations from business and community groups and will approach possible candidates. JRT to liaise with JA to discuss layout options etc. AH will arrange floats with JRT.
Action: JRT to send out flyer re sale
8. Communications
JP will forward emails received to PC googlemail address.
9. A.O.C.B
Christmas trees will be sourced either by donation or funded by PC. One at 12ft required for school and one at 6ft for Bilston. PC agreed to purchase a new set of lights for the larger tree.
CW will arrange two Bags-2-school collections, the first one in January.
Calendar fundraiser – SR and CW are preparing artwork for the calendar. Initial print run will be for 200 and each calendar will be sold for ₤6. A pre-order letter will be sent to parents and the calendar may also be sold at the Christmas sale.
Venue for PC meetings will be Roslin Kirk Hall as there is no suitable venue available in Bilston on a Wednesday night.
10. Date of next meeting is Wednesday 25th January 2012 in Roslin Kirk Hall 7pm
Dates of meetings for rest of session:
14th March 2012
9th May 2012
23rd May 2012 AGM
13th June 2012