Minutes of Parent Council meeting 25th January 2012
Roslin Primary School Parent Council
Minutes of meeting on 25th January 2012
1. Present: Shelley Kay (SK), John Phillips (JP) (Chair), Sarah Keer-Keer (SKK), Anna Hulton (AH), Suzanne Rowe (SR), Fran Jones (FJ), Claire Witney (CW) (Minutes), Nina Sobecka (NS), Annie Douglas (AD), Jennifer Allison (JA), Caroline Findlay (CF), Kim Blair (KB), Pat Brack (PB), Sean Lyon (SL), Lynne Harrower (LH), Les Thacker (LT) (Councillor), Chris Yapp (CY), Bronagh Vos (BV), Laura Cameron (LC)
Apologies: Pam Stewart (PS), Juliet Ridgway-Tait (JRT), Mairi Needham (MN), Angela Newton (AN), Donna Hogg (DH), Mark Turner (MT), Teresa Reid (TR)
2. Minutes of meeting on 2nd November accepted
3. Matters arising
a) Hedge/fence – Hedge to be planted in March, date TBC. AH suggested a leaflet drop to encourage community involvement and possibly tea/coffee served in the pavilion. JA confirmed that Owen Thompson will provide the new school sign/notice board and perhaps the tree planting could be advertised here. BV suggested a poster competition in school.
Action: AH will keep school and parents informed.
The repair of the fence is on the schools list of jobs to be done.
Action: JP to follow up with Eric Stark (Janitor).
b) Music – NS has ordered a class set of 33 recorders at ₤2.60 each plus VAT, total cost ₤110. A keyboard and guitar have been donated to school as result of the letter sent out. NS suggested we hold a specific fundraiser for musical instruments.
c) Christmas Bazaar – The sale raised ₤1490 and was agreed to be a success. Discussion followed on layout, timing and general economy. These points as well as the break down of sales per stall will be available for review prior to future events.
d) Calendar – 155 calendars have sold to date with a profit of ₤480. The remaining 45 calendars will be available for purchase at a reduced price.
e) Bank account – Current balance is ₤2102. It was decided to maintain a minimum balance which may vary depending on time of year and upcoming events. At present it was agreed at least ₤500 should be protected.
4. Fundraising
MN has provided a break down of events the PTA used to hold over the academic year as a guide to possible future activities. These include a disco in Feb/Mar, Book Fair at parent consultations, Bingo night/Beetle drive, Bags-2-school, Art exhibition, sponsored walk, fun day in Sep, Christmas sale and fundraiser. The PTA also provided refreshments at school events.
The school has a ‘wish list’ of equipment and activities to which the funds raised may be contributed. A discussion followed about the following:
TV/DVD/VHS Video Player – It was decided one TV/DVD would be of benefit for the main school site and one for Bilston. The useful material on VHS video in school is to be identified and LT will check if Midlothian Council will be able to transfer these to DVD.
Action: JP to liaise with LT.
Stage/Microphone/Lights – The current stage is very difficult and heavy to manoeuvre. It is also very creaky during performances. The school would like to acquire a lighter weight model on casters which can be put up easily by Eric. It was felt that a specific fund raising event should be arranged for this, possibly the sponsored walk. BV volunteered to put together a stage production of the Lion King with pupils from across the school being involved and tickets being sold to raise funds. Depending on timing of this event, it may need to be an after school activity for the children. General consensus was this would be a wonderful idea but concerns re practicalities were raised.
Action: BV to liaise with JP, CW and JA to discuss possible dates and assess level of interest from pupils for Lion King production.
Action: JA to timetable sponsored walk for summer term.
Instruments – It was suggested one of the fundraising events be specifically for musical instruments. Possibility of a Bingo Night or Beetle Drive was discussed. Action: NS to lead working party to arrange event for after Easter.
Theatre trip – PC and school would like to introduce a whole school outing and it was agreed a theatre trip to the pantomime or similar should be investigated. A working party has been set up to pursue this with the following members: JA, KB, SR and SK.
Action: Working party to check on availability and pricing with view to meeting to discuss further and feedback at next PC meeting.
PB requested ₤20 to purchase a variety of dice for use in the Active Maths program – this was agreed by PC. CF requested possible funding for refreshments at a Scottish event P2/3 are holding. LH and SK offered to donate items required and CF suggested they may put out a donation box for parents to contribute to the costs. This was agreed to be an appropriate approach.
JA presented a request from the Pupil Council for caps for prefects totaling ₤350 plus donation of a sum of money to start an account for their use as they have established a working committee with Chair and Treasurer. The cost of the caps was felt to be too excessive but PC members were supportive of donating between ₤50 and ₤100 to Pupil Council. CW suggested PC members could attend Pupil Council meeting to discuss further.
Action: CW and JA
Two Bags-2-school collections have been arranged this session, the next being 17th May. PC participated in Fun Day last year more, to raise awareness and have fun than raise funds, but did make ₤40. The disco is usually held in Feb/Mar but as yet nobody is able to organise this. There was a suggestion of a family ceilidh instead this year which may be held before the Easter break. The Book Fair is not able to be arranged in time for the Parent Consultations in March but PS has agreed to run a Bookshop at the event alongside the crèche. FJ agreed to co-ordinate volunteers for the crèche for both consultation evenings. If you are able to help on the crèche or at the bookshop, please email FJ or PS accordingly, and if interested in the family ceilidh or alternative please email CW.
Action: All members.
5. Sports Day
It was generally agreed that a change in the format of sports day would be appropriate. The Pupil Council has been approached by JA and each class has returned various proposals. JA will lead a working party with KB, FJ, NS and CW.
Action: JA to organise a meeting of working party and feedback at next PC meeting.
The Olympic Torch will be carried through Bilston prior to the games and it is planned that the whole school will walk to the main road to witness the procession. SK will liaise with Gillian Taylor to clarify the route and timing. It was suggested Rotary may be able to help supervise the route.
Action: SK and JA.
6. Head Teacher’s Report
JA thanked all the parents involved in helping at various events including the Christmas bazaar, church service and curriculum evening. All were very successful events and school received a very complimentary email from parents about the curriculum evening in particular. The staff is involved in planning and development within CFE at present. Phil Denning of HMIE will give a presentation on self assessment to staff on the in-service day on Monday 20th February and JA invited members of the PC to attend and assist with the audit. The session starts at 8.30am and will run until lunchtime. If you are able to attend, please let JA know.
7. Grounds for Improvement
Achievements to date include the vegetable garden, benches, mosaics and tyred play area. There are two mosaics to be mounted and Tim Rowe has agreed to source suitable wood and arrange for completion. SKK has secured ₤75 towards the cost of wood from Edinburgh University as payment for hire of the Jacobean costumes from school. A gardening club was suggested which may run at lunchtime or after school with parent helpers. The outstanding improvements to the play area are the traversing wall and logs to climb on. JP asked LT if the Council would have logs which could be used. KB said she had a supply if this was not possible. LH requested a bike shed for Bilston as many nursery children take bikes to school. JA suggested Gillian Bathgate (Safer Routes to School) may be able to help with this.
SKK invited further volunteers for the working party; especially people who are at school on a regular basis, as contact with other parents and pupils helps develop ideas and initiatives. CF is the main contact within school for the grounds project and will work alongside TR. AH, KB, BV, CY and SR volunteered to join SKK on the working party.
Action: SKK to liaise with CF to arrange meeting and feedback to PC.
8. Communications – JP will circulate any emails of note.
9. A.O.C.B
– AH has been approached by various parents from P2/3 who would like homework to be given over a weekend as they are finding it difficult to always make time on week nights due to other commitments. JA said the Homework Policy is still in draft form and she welcomes feedback. The aim of the document was to provide consistency and all agreed that it has made a big difference already.
Action: AH to liaise with JA and develop a survey for parents to provide feedback.
– LH and AD queried plans for Primary 7 leavers “prom”. SK said the Community Council will cover costs of a prom. JA and LC mentioned the pupils have different ideas about the event. A committee to organise this event will be established as this was felt to be out with PC business. JRT, SK and DH have agreed to help.
– Pam who works within school as playground supervisor and cleaner is unwell and it was agreed to send a gift of ₤50 M&S vouchers.
Action: AH and CW.
– CW queried progress with sending letters to parents via email. JA replied that there have been a few challenges to overcome but school are still working towards this goal. Also, a texting system for notification of closures etc is being implemented.
– A parent has queried the inconsistency with various text types used in writing and reading materials. JA advised that LC is the literacy champion for the school and is at present looking at the whole subject with a view to making appropriate improvements.
10. Date of next meeting is Wednesday 14th March 2012 in Roslin Kirk Hall 7pm
Dates of meetings for rest of session:
9th May 2012 (Roslin Kirk)
23rd May 2012 AGM (In school)
13th June 2012 (Roslin Kirk)