Monday: Singing and P.E. Tuesday: P.E. Wednesday: Music and P5/6 Cycle Training Friday: Assembly
Head Teacher: Jennifer Allison Depute Head: Dorothy Denham Principal Teacher: Laura Cameron Class Teachers – Bilston Nursery: Sibbi Laing Roslin Nursery: Margaret McLaren Bilston P1/2:…
Term ends today! The website will be updated with the new calendar, class lists etc at some time before the start of next term which is…
Roslin Primary School Parent Council Minutes of meeting 13 June 2012 1. Present: Shelley Kay(SK), John Phillips(JP)(Chair), Anna Hulton(AH), Suzanne Rowe(SR), Claire Witney(CW)(Minutes), Annie Douglas(AD),…
Pink wings Sharp shut eyes Sticky feet Lumpy toes Spiky tail He’s quite a fierce Dragon
Hungry yellow eyes Big sharp teeth Smokey ears Bumpy lumpy belly Spiky fat tail Big sharp feet He has very Happy friends