School Improvement Plan 2013-14

 (Open as Word document: Roslin-Primary-School-Improvement-Plan-2013-2014 )


 Roslin Primary School

Improvement Plan

Session 2013-14


Section 1 – Our Strategies for Consulting and involving stakeholders


We value the involvement and input of our stakeholders in enriching experiences for our learners.  Our stakeholders include:

  • Learners
  • Parents/carers
  • Staff
  • Children and Families Staff, including West Locality Team, Associated Schools Group  and ASG Manager,
  • Agencies with whom we work closely, including Social Work, Health, Police, Voluntary Agencies
  • Local Community members




Consulting Learners

We have consulted learners about the priorities in this plan via the School Pupil Council.  Every class, from P3 – P7 has a representative on the council and it is the responsibility of each member to consult their classmates.  Pupils from Primary 6 and 7 help to represent the views of P1 and P2 pupils through regular consultation with them. The school’s key priorities were discussed at a council meeting and they will have their own action plan to take forward improvements.


Throughout the session, the views of pupils are sought in relation to the targets within the school’s action plans through Pupil surveys, focus groups and School Council meetings.  In addition, all learners are encouraged to be active participants in their own learning through self and peer-assessment, setting their own targets and identifying the best ways for them to learn. This will be monitored by the Learning Council, a sub-group of the Pupil Council.


Consulting Staff

Staff are regularly involved in auditing our school and do so summatively in March. In May, Working Party Groups feed back on work achieved over the session. Staff are involved in creating the annual calendar and finalising the School Improvement Plan.


Consulting Parents and Carers

Formal consultation on the School Improvement Plan takes place via the Parent Council. Parent Council members are invited to attend the annual planning session in February when the key priorities for improvement are identified. In addition, parents are consulted about major issues related to policy and/or practice via questionnaires and focus groups. The Headteacher invites parents to meet with her throughout the year to discuss issues informally.  These regular meetings provide an additional means of communication.  Progress through the Improvement Plan will be shared, including through the use of a Learning Wall.


Consulting other relevant bodies / agencies

The Headteacher and Depute Headteacher meet with the Associated Schools Group Manager to discuss the school’s priorities for improvement and to ensure that they are in line with divisional and national priorities.  All Headteachers from schools in the Beeslack Associated Schools Group meet to agree common priorities across the schools in the neighbourhood.  In this way, we can ensure smooth transitions from nursery to primary and from primary to secondary school. Where relevant, the Senior Management Team consults agencies in relation to planned improvements; for example, in taking forward work on improving health and well-being of pupils and staff.





Fully Achieved

Partially Achieved

Not Achieved


Section 2    Overview of 3 Year Planning Priorities    2013- 2016





  • Improve  attainment in literacy (S)
  • Improve attainment in numeracy (S)
  • Further develop health and wellbeing across the curriculum  (A)
  • Continue to improve  attainment in literacy(S)
  • Continue to improve attainment in numeracy (S)
  • Further develop health and wellbeing across the curriculum (A)
  • Review developments


  • Review AiFL strategies(A)
  • Further develop IDL approaches (A)
  • Further develop metacognition and the language of learning (A)
  • Effective arrangements for personal support (within GIRFEC & ASL expectations) (A)
2.1   2.2 2.2
  • Further development of GLOW and the Midlothian online learning portal(S)
  • Review procedures to support learners at points of transition(S)



  • Review developments


  • Develop effective systems for monitoring and tracking learners’ progress using On Track with Learning:LITERACY (A)
  • Further develop assessment and moderation processes (A)
  • Solution Focused Approach (S)
  • Further development of GLOW and the Midlothian online learning portal(S)
    • Further develop effective systems for monitoring and tracking learners’ progress using On Track with Learning: Maths & Numeracy (A)


  • Develop effective systems for monitoring and tracking learners’ progress using On Track with Learning:H&WB (A)


  • Achieving targets within Raising Children with Confidence Programme(S)
  • Increased parental engagement and understanding of CFE(S)


  • Continue to increased parental engagement and understanding of CFE(S)
  • Extend the Raising Children with Confidence Programme(S)



  • Possible planning for the proposed new school(S)



  • Review and re- model the High Level Curriculum Map(S)
  • Increase the breadth and depth of learning within BGE
  • Implement the National expectations relating to Religious Education
  • Development and assessment of skills
  • Further develop personal profiles(S)


  5.1 5.1  




















  • Review the Expressive Arts  curriculum (S)
    • Further develop skills progression
5.1  5.1  

  • Review the technologies  curriculum (S)




5.1  5.1
  • Establish a new senior management team. (S)
  • Continue to provide staff with leadership opportunities. (S)
9.4  9.4 9.2
  • To be reviewed after appointment of new HT(S)


9.3 9.2   9.1

SECTION 3        PRIORITIES FOR THE YEAR AHEAD                       SCHOOL SESSION: 2013/14

CFE; Areas for Development 13-16 School Priority – Desired Outcomes for Learners/staff
 Literacy, Numeracy and HWB
  • Improve  attainment in literacy (S)
  • Improve attainment in numeracy (S)
  • Further develop health and wellbeing across the curriculum  (A)


 Learning & Teaching
  • Review AiFL strategies(A)
  • Further develop IDL approaches (A)
  • Further develop metacognition and the language of learning (A)
  • Effective arrangements for personal support (within GIRFEC & ASL expectations) (A)
 Assessment, Recognising and Reporting Achievement 
  • Develop effective systems for monitoring and tracking learners’ progress using On Track with Learning:LITERACY (A)
  • Further develop assessment and moderation processes (A)
 Support for Learners
  • Achieving targets within Raising Children with Confidence Programme(S)
  • Increased parental engagement and understanding of CFE(S)


 Shaping the Curriculum Skills for Learning, Skills for Life, Skills for Work  

  • Review and re- model the High Level Curriculum Map(S)
  • Increase the breadth and depth of learning within BGE
  • Implement the National expectations relating to Religious Education
  • Development and assessment of skills
  • Further develop personal profiles(S)


 All 7 areas 
  • Establish a new senior management team. (S)
  • Continue to provide staff with leadership opportunities. (S)




  • Outcome 1: –  To improve breadth and depth of learning within BGE and develop effective assessment and moderation processes – 2013-14

HGIOS 5.1,2.1


Implementation Strategies What will you do? Who will lead/ be involved/ When will this be done? Indicators of success/ impact on learners – What will you look for? How/ when will you monitor/ evaluate? What evidence will you gather?
 Improve staff understanding of moderation at the planning stage to support identification of planned learning and evaluation evidence.     




Implement On track with Learning linked writing, reading, listening and talking.







Implement RME and Religious Observance guidance –including chaplaincy approach

Professional Dialogue meeting





External consultant to lead along with Head teachers. Representative from Beeslack’s and Penicuik’s English departments.  Secondary and primary literacy champions.   


On Track champions in each school








HTs and Josie Adamson and Morag Carrie: Education Scotland

HTs to meet with Chaplancy team. John Ryan to organise meeting




In-service half days on 19th August and February plus CAT on 29thNovemberModeration of writing – November  1.15- 3.15Moderation of reading – 7thFebruary (AM)Secondary staff to meet with literacy champions twice over session   

CAT for all staff 8 Nov

And 3 drop-in sessions –  Terms 2, 3 & 4

TBC Cuiken

15th January Mauricewood

18th March Cornbank




Wednesday 25th September 4-5

Review at ASG meetings







Depth and breadth of learning across Es and Os in writing and reading evident in pupils’ work.Consistent approach to planning, assessment, moderation of pupil progress.Effective pupil progress across CfE levels.   Evidence that depth and breadth of learning tracked for all pupils in relation to reading writing, listening and talking.

Guidance implemented.




All schools providing appropriate opportunities for religious observance and development of RME.

Improved pupil understanding of Christianity and Other World religions.

Evaluation of pupils’ work from moderation meetings.Staff evaluations.     




Evidence of pupil progress across Es and Os.

Staff evaluations

Classroom observations, discussions with pupils.




SGM/HT evaluations. Pupil discussions and evidence within pupils’ work.








Implement government guidance in relation to allocation of PE.   Develop staff skills in teaching dance  


Update the High Level Curriculum Map


George Falconer, PE champions and HTs   Tara McGibbon  



Review at ASG meetings(5 Hours CPD)   TBC 



In term 2

All schools providing appropriate opportunities for the development of PE within school plans Staff will be able to plan, deliver and assess high quality dance  lessons High Level Curriculum MapWill reflect new priorities  All schools providing appropriate opportunities for the development of PE within school plans Forward Plans, assessments, observation, discussion with staff and pupils. High Level Curriculum MapWill reflect new priorities 


Outcome 2: – To develop  Learning and Teaching – 2013 -14 HGIOS 5.1,2.1, 5.6 
Implementation Strategies What will you do? Who will lead/ be involved/ When will this be done? Indicators of success/ impact on learners – What will you look for? How/ when will you monitor/ evaluate? What evidence will you gather?
Review AiFL implementation strategies across schools. Link to language of learning, metacognition.     Continue to develop pupil voice through weekly reflection time and the Learning Council.






To continue to share approaches to developing IDL – focus on developing, applying and assessing skills. Set up GLOW  group across Penicuik



Continue to develop staff skills through a peer learning model







HTs , psychologists and Pete Tarrant Edinburgh university      

Class teacher

Learning Council

Lead member of staff






Lead person from each school to be agreed.





All teaching staff

Review at ASG meeting      


Term 1








Possible professional dialogue/sharing session. Dates to be confirmed.




By term 2

Pupils will routinely use learning language when discussing their work.Pupils will reflect on their learning on a weekly basisProfiles will set targets and review successes and next steps Learning Council meet fortnightly to share class observations of learning & teachingLC members will display improved understanding of how they learn. 



Pupils’  will display improved understanding of  their ability to apply  skills developed through IDL projects.





Staff will feel more confident and able to discuss their professional performance and progress.

Have a clear understanding of their own strengths and development needs.

Classroom observations, discussions with pupils.Targets achieved will be shared at assemblyPupil discussions and evidence within pupils’ profiles Learning Council will report to the HT termlyLC observations will feed into professional dialogue and impact on practiceMinutes of meetings



Audit evidence of skills development across IDL. Identify gaps




Staff feedback

Records of monitoring and evaluation process. 



Outcome 3: –    Literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing 2013 -14  HGIOS 5.1,2.1,5.6 
Implementation Strategies What will you do? Who will lead/ be involved/ When will this be done? Indicators of success/ impact on learners – What will you look for? How/ when will you monitor/ evaluate? What evidence will you gather?
Moderate numeracy progress across schools using MUNP challenges.    To audit emotional  Health and wellbeing across schools Linda Bauld and Lyndsey Pow- numeracy coordinators and PT maths    Susan Wilkinson,  Mhairi McKenzie, Teresa Reid, Caroline Findlay and Tara McGibbon 

Possible contact with Lasswade ASG

In schools throughout session. Moderate across schools on 2ndMay 2014.JB and teachers to meet on 5thSept at 3.30 to review transition booklets  TBC Consistent approach to assessment of progress matched to CfE levels     Consistency of approaches and progression across the ASG. Examples of pupils’ work, discussions with pupils, video evidence.   Final map of resources including services available 



Outcome 4: –    Support for Learners –(GIRFEC)  HGIOS 5.1,2.1,5.6 
Implementation Strategies What will you do? Who will lead/ be involved/ When will this be done? Indicators of success/ impact on learners – What will you look for? How/ when will you monitor/ evaluate? What evidence will you gather?
Training for staff to ensure awareness and understanding of GIRFEC responsibilities Confident staff/confident Children    






Continue to implement the ‘WOW’ Programme with specific classes



House Launch

HTsJohn Thompson   Ali Wilson Chantal Forbes and Kirsten Lamb(Bev W to join)



Dorothy Denham  and Caroline Findlay

Sarah Philp

Christine Henderson



Educational Psychologist

Class Teachers




All staff/ all pupils

INSET session 11.10.13    8 sessions for staff previously not trained 









Term 1





September 13

All staff have an understanding of GIRFEC and are aware of their responsibilities.  Increased staff confidence in supporting children   

Increased staff confidence in supporting parents





Classroom ethos will reflect shared goals and children will acknowledge their successes



All children will identify with their house and work collaboratively with their peers to gain points and rewards, thus developing team-building skills and raising their self-esteem.

Monitor children’s needs being met – forward plans, pupils’ work, classroom observations. Staff evaluations.    

Staff evaluations





Classroom observations, discussions with pupils and staff.



HT will track results on a monthly and annual basis.










Bilston and Roslin Nursery

Outcome 5:


HGIOS 3 – 3.1, 5.6, 9.2

Implementation Strategies

What will you do?

Who will lead/ be involved?

When will this be done?

Indicators of success / impact on learners –

 What will you look for?

How/when will you monitor / evaluate?

What evidence will you gather?

 Further develop and implement Forest Schools programme, following on from training in 2012/13     



























Further develop and implement Nature and Nurture programme, following on from initial training in 2012/13



















Develop appropriate Nursey PE programme to complement P1-7 PE developments




















Build on transition procedures for nursery to P1 pupils, including those from nurseries other than our own.

 Frances Goodfellow  (L)Roslin Nursery staffP1 StaffAlan Krumhold Ranger ServiceParent Helper/volunteers 




























Sibbi Laing

Margaret Mclaren

Roslin and Bilston Nursery staff


















Nursery Staff

Evelyn Blackhall (PE Specialist)

H&WB champions

George Falkner PE Development Officer

DHT/Acting HT
















All Early Years Staff

Staff from other relevant nurseries, including Forest Friends

DHT/Acting HT

Chris Saddler



 by October 2013   by March 2014 










by June 2014



















by June 2014





















by January 2014















by June 2014







by June 2014




 Specific programme will have been implemented for group of Roslin Nursery/P1 pupils. Pupils will display increased confidence and skills in a variety of outdoor situations. Frances Goodfellow and Alan Krumhold will have established contact to help support the programme 

Plan will be initiated establishing rolling out of the programme to other classes within the school.



Wider programme of Forest School sessions will be established as part of the school annual calendar.


Appropriate documentation will be collated and presented as recognised School Programme








Specific Nature and Nurture programme will have been implemented for groups of pupils at Bilston and Roslin nurseries.


Pupils will display increased confidence and skills in a variety of outdoor situations.


Appropriate documentation will be collated and presented as recognised Nature and Nurture School Programme


Margaret McLaren will have participated in appropriate CPD training




Appropriate training will have been undertaken by relevant staff.


Staff will show an understanding of implementing Es&Os in a meaningful way, within the nursery setting


Long term and responsive planning will reflect the implementation of PE Es&Os



Pre-school pupils will experience an adequate amount of PE, proportionate to the 2 hour target being delivered in P1-7, as  part of a progressive programme of skills



Transition documentation will have been reviewed and improved to reflect improved procedures, in line with Early Level Progress Steps




 Discussion with staff/parents/volunteersRelevant documentationObservationPhotographsRelevant feedback from pupilsWritten evaluation and next steps





























Relevant documentation



Relevant feedback of pupils

Written evaluation and next steps

CPD records
















INSET/CPD records

Planning documentation

Evaluations and next steps

Es&Os overview records

Discussion with staff

Monitoring and Evaluation processes

Early Steps documents
















Welcome pack and Booklet

Enrolment procedures


Relevant documentation











Pupil Improvement Plan

Outcome 6:

HGIOS 3 – 3.1, 5.6, 9.2

Implementation Strategies

What will you do?

Who will lead/ be involved?

When will this be done?

Indicators of success / impact on learners –

 What will you look for?

How/when will you monitor / evaluate?

What evidence will you gather?

To establish a ‘Learning Council ‘to review learning: What helps, What is fun, What staff could do better. TBCPupils from P3- P7 Set up in August and meet every 4 weeks Pupil will be fully engaged in reviewing their teaching and learning.Ideas will be taken to staff to improve learning and teaching. Minutes of meetings.Reviews at Parent Council meetingsAnnual report written.