School House colour T-shirts

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To coincide with the launch of our houses in school we have added a range of plain unembroidered coloured t-shirts to the uniform range.  You are now able to order online yellow, green, blue or red t-shirts for sports day and other house events plus plain black or white for school shows etc priced at £4.00 each. 

Uniform is available to order online from Border Embroideries at all year round but we also offer the opportunity to order uniform via school once each term.  If you would like to place an order via school, please contact the office personally or on 0131 241 4660 to request an order form be sent home in your child’s school bag.  The paper order form does not as yet have the full range of t-shirts available, however if you would like to order any of the new range please specify the colour, size and quantity on the back of the order form and enclose payment.  All order forms with payment must be returned to school by Wednesday 4th December.  Please make cheques payable to Roslin Primary School Parent Council.

If you have any queries or comments regarding the uniform, please speak to one of the Parent Council representatives or email us at