Roslin Primary Parent Council AGM
Please join us at our parent council AGM to be held on
Wednesday 14th June 6.30pm in Roslin Primary School
Our aim is to enhance and improve our children’s experience at Roslin Primary School and we work closely with the school to achieve this goal. With the new school opening in August this is a particularly exciting time to become more involved. The AGM is an opportunity for you to find out about how the parent council works and join as a member or offer to help at the various social/curriculum/fundraising events held throughout the year. As a member your role would be to attend 6 parent council meetings and give your opinion and ideas on various aspects of school life. There is no obligation to become an office bearer although we do welcome any volunteers for these roles annually at the AGM. Several current members will be leaving over the next couple of years as their children move on to high school so we are particularly keen for parents of pupils in the infant area to come along. Strawberries and fizz will be served as a celebration of our last year in the current school building!! We look forward to seeing you there.
From Parent Council