Pupil Photographs – Monday 25th September 2017

On Monday 25th September 2017, we are pleased to welcome our new Event Photographer will visit Roslin School to photograph pupils.


Please note: The photographer is only able to photograph pupils currently attending our school, ie from Nursery to P7.  Your child can be photographed either individually or with brothers/sisters who attend the school but unfortunately, due to time restrictions, not both.


Please complete a form for each of your children so that all class teachers are aware of pupils who are to be photographed together.  Indicate on all of your forms whether you want a family photo, an individual photo, or no photo taken at all, and add brothers/sisters to be included in the photo on each of your child’s forms (Nursery to P7 pupils only).   Please complete and return your forms to school by Friday 4th September 2017.


You should receive the proof photograph the following day and when ordering photos, select your choice and return the proof to school with payment by Monday 9th October 2017.    Full details & costs can be found on the proof/order form.  Event will only accept proofs returned in the envelope which they provide, please keep this for your use.


Roslin Nursery

Roslin Nursery children, whether individual or with older brothers/sisters, will be photographed during their class time and will be taken by school staff to be photographed.