Health Week Reminder
Staff and children are looking forward to our annual Health Week which, this year, takes place on Monday 23rd to Friday 27th April. The themes this year are:
- Mental Health & Wellbeing with a focus on ‘Relax Kids’
- Diversity within our school.
All led by our Health Team, Miss Brodie, Mrs Primrose and Mrs Selfridge.
During this week the children will take part in a range of instructor-led physical activities such as: Karate, Rugby & Football. Pauline Lawson from Relax Kids will also be working with each class teaching them techniques to help them keep calm in difficult situations and building confidence.
Our annual “Walk in the Glen” will take place on Friday 27th April.
Children should come to school dressed for sport during Health Week. Outdoor trainers, jogging/tracksuit trousers, with shorts underneath, a tee shirt, a sweatshirt and a light weight waterproof jacket would be ideal.