Christmas Pantos

“Beauty & The Beast” Pantomime          Hopscotch Theatre Company

We are delighted to offer the children from Nursery to P3 the opportunity to see this pantomime, performed in school, on Tuesday 11th December 2018.

This event is subsidised by the Parent Council, therefore, the cost per child is only £3.50.   We really appreciate the invaluable support we receive from the Parent Council and the children greatly benefit.

Please arrange to pay this amount via ParentPay, by Friday 23 November 2018.   If you haven’t already activated your ParentPay account, please contact the office for your personal activation code.

Children who normally attend our nursery in the afternoon are invited to come in to school via the nursery entrance at 10.00am (show starts at 10.15am) on the day of the performance and should be collected by an adult at 11.00am.


“Jack & The Beanstalk” Pantomime      Brunton Theatre

We are delighted to offer the children from P4 to P7 the opportunity to visit the Brunton Theatre, to see the above pantomime, on Tuesday 11 December at 1:45pm, returning approximately 4:30pm.  PC forms have been issued today 7th November

This event is heavily subsidised by the Parent Council, therefore, the cost per child is only £6.00. We really appreciate the invaluable support we receive from the Parent Council and the children greatly benefit.

Please arrange to pay this amount via ParentPay, and return the permission form to school, by Friday 23 November 2018.   

Mrs Jo Wilson

Head Teacher