Minutes of Parent Council meeting 22nd January 2014
Minutes of 22 Jan 2014 (MS Word .docx file)
Roslin Primary School Parent Council
Minutes of Meeting on 22nd January 2014
- 1. Present: Jo Wilson(JW), Dorothy Denham(DD), Andrea Berry(AB), Julie White(JW1), Alex Clark (AC), Simon Bullock(SB), Jon Steele(JS), Anna Hulton(AH), Pam Stewart(PS), Kim Blair(KB), Rhona Farren(RF), Sarah Keer-Keer(SKK), Sam Hamilton(SH), Lynne Harrower(LH), Mairi Needham(MN), Shelley Kaye(SK), Angela Newton(AG), John Phillips(JP-Chair), Claire Witney (CW-Treasurer/Minutes)
Apologies: Annie Douglas(AD), Juliet Ridgway-Tait(JRT), Linda Smith(LS), Zoe Fergie(ZF), Lindsay Hayes(LH), Caroline Findlay(CF), Nina Sobecka(NS)
Welcome: JP welcomed our new Head Teacher, Jo Wilson to the meeting and introduced members. JW said she has been made to feel really welcome by staff, pupils and parents and was settling in well with particular thanks to DD for her help with getting to know the school. JW said she has met parents in school helping and in the playground as well as at the very successful Bilston coffee morning and she was looking forward to meeting more at Roslin coffee morning on Friday.
A.O.C.B: Discussion on how best to include additional agenda items raised at the PC meeting was held and all agreed with JP’s suggestion that the chair ask at the start of the meeting if there would be any items and assign time appropriately for inclusion and discussion or addition as agenda item for the following meeting. JS stressed the importance of items raised being ‘competent’ and appropriate for PC discussion.
SKK – charitable giving from companies
LH- dishwashers for nurseries
- 2. Minutes of meeting held on 6 November 2013 accepted.
- 3. Matters arising from previous meeting:
a) Grounds: JP informed PC that the pavement leading from the pavilion car park to the school entrance had been repaired and made safe and lights have been fitted on the MUGA side of the school to light the path used by residents to cross the village out of school hours. JP also stated there are still additional requests we have made to Midlothian Council and we will continue to pursue these including a right of way path outside the school grounds altogether.
b) Laptop: DD said the new laptop has arrived and is being used and is making a big difference. The Community Council donated ₤300, the Bilston Activities Group £30 and PC will pay the balance of ₤230. Action CW
c) Christmas bazaar/cards: All agreed the Christmas bazaar was a success in terms of atmosphere and enjoyment however there was slightly less profit this year at ₤1198. It was agreed we should meet early in the first term next session to discuss new ideas and options.
The Christmas card fundraiser was also very successful and popular with parents raising ₤256. The company used, APFS, produce good quality cards and all agreed it would be a good venture to repeat but agreed we should check various companies again for best value.
d) Funds: CW reported that we have ₤4850 and all agreed we should go ahead and purchase the new stage which JP has received a new quote for of ₤3033 leaving over ₤1000 in the bank. It was agreed we should issue a newsletter this term detailing events, money raised and what it is being used for. Action CW/AC
- 4. Staff updates
JW advised that DD has returned to post of Depute Head Teacher, Caroline Findlay to P1/2 class teacher part time and that Louise Brodie will continue as P3/4 class teacher until Teresa Woods returns from maternity. DD said when questioned that this could be August as the entitlement is 52 weeks.
- 5. Reading Challenge
AB talked about the Midlothian wide reading challenge which runs until March and is designed to extend pupils reading experiences outwith the classroom and includes all forms of literature fact or fiction. AB will launch the challenge next week and there will be information on the website and Twitter as well as sent out to parents. JW commented on how well AB has organised this in school with staff as well as praising her efforts to establish clear guidelines from Midlothian Council. AB welcomes feedback from parents and if there are any queries asks parents to get in contact with her.
- 6. PC events
Discussion on ideas for fundraisers and social events including family quiz night and disco. It was agreed a working party should be set up to take this further starting with organising a disco which is always popular with the kids. Action LS, KB, MN, AN, PS and NS (if willing and able!)
- 7. Supervision on school bus
JW suggested a separate meeting be arranged with all parents from Bilston being invited to discuss this further. This was agreed by PC members involved and JW will send out a letter inviting parents to attend after the February break. Action JW
- 8. Communications
CW mentioned that Rag Bag is reducing their prices from 50p per kg to 40p per kg due to costs of fuel for uplifts. So far since it was installed we have raised ₤256. LH requested a textile bank for Bilston. Action CW
Border embroideries have increased their prices by a small amount.
CW circulated certificates to PC members who attended interview training.
- 9. Appointment of secretary
Lisa Ritchie has had to resign the post of secretary as she and her family has moved out of the area. AC agreed to take on the role, JP nominated and JS seconded.
- 10. A.O.C.B
SKK was approached by a company wishing to make a donation but was advised this is only possible to organisations with charitable status. SKK is exploring whether a donation could be accepted on our behalf by SPTC as gaining charitable status could be quite arduous. CW willing to explore this further as it may depend on levels of income how challenging the process is. In the meantime SKK and JP will contact Kevin McGuire to find out if the preferred option is possible. Action SKK/JP and CW
JW1 came to the meeting to ensure PC are aware and involved in any planning of new houses with regard to obtaining funds for a new school if possible. SKK mentioned that the plans are available for comment online and strongly urged all parents to forward their opinions for consideration before planning is granted. PC has discussed this previously and is aware of the importance of being involved with Midlothian Council to secure planning gain funds for the school and welcome suggestions and input from the parent body on how to take this forward. Action ALL
LH raised request for dishwasher from Bilston nursery – postponed to agenda for next meeting.
Next meeting is on Wednesday 19th March at 6.30pm in Roslin Kirk Hall
p.s. Thank you to SK for teas, coffees and biscuits!!