Unexpected Closure Information 2017

Severe Weather Closures PDF

In Case of Emergency Closures – PLEASE KEEP FOR REFERENCE


In all procedures relating to severe weather conditions, paramount concern is the safety of students, staff and service users.  Midlothian Council make all decisions regarding school closures and they will update their website and notify Radio Forth if and when this is necessary.  Please do not phone the school as there may   well be no staff in school to receive your call.


If Roslin Primary is not mentioned on the radio, then the school is open.

Should it become necessary to close the school during the day, staff will text/phone parents/carers to make arrangements for children to be collected.  We will also update our website and post on Twitter keeping you informed.  In the event that staff are unable to contact a parent or carer, then the child will remain in school with a member of staff, until the normal finishing times. Please ensure all your contact numbers are current.


When collecting children under these circumstances, please come directly to the school office and a member of staff will collect your child from their class.  All children need to be signed out prior to leaving school.  If you offer to take children other than your own, we would require permission from their parent/carer prior to them leaving (staff will contact via phone if necessary).


If you are at home and are aware that the school is to close early, please feel free to come and collect your child.  Contacting all parents/carers takes a considerable amount of time and this will greatly assist in the process.


Please note: In these exceptional circumstances, we would prefer if you do not leave messages on the school telephone answering service as all lines will be busy making outgoing calls and staff may not be able to check for messages for a considerable length of time.


After School Club (ASC) – If your child is booked in to the ASC and you are aware that the school may close early due to severe weather, please come to collect your child if you prefer.  Alternatively, he/she will go with the ASC staff as soon as they are able to collect the children.  Please check with the ASC regarding their procedures.



Bilston Pupil Transport – severe weather information

If your child normally receives council provided transport, and you have queries, please phone Midlothian Council Tranport Services on 0131 561 5453.  This phone line will open from 7am.


P5-P7 pupils travel by coach: Prentice Westwood, 0131 440 4400


In the event of the coach failing to pick children up from Bilston in the morning, pupils should follow the same procedure as before and make their way to Bilston School, where they will be supervised, until alternative transport can be arranged.

The above guidelines will help to ensure that severe weather disruptions are dealt with as safely and smoothly as possible and your help is greatly appreciated.

Mrs Jo Wilson

Head Teacher

*If the school is closed for more than one day you might find the information on learning at home below useful.

Ideas for Learning at Home

If the school is closed due to bad weather here are some ideas for learning at home:

  • Read every day – swap books with a friend if possible
  • Practise any sounds/words in your book bag
  • Practise spelling words – using different colour pens/pencils
  • Keep a diary about the weather and what you have been able to do
  • Make your own story/cartoon strip about an adventure in the snow
  • Measure the snow in your garden (how deep is it?) and keep a record of it.  Display this information in a graph/diagram
  • Investigate snow and see how long it takes to melt. Where in the house is warmest/coldest? How much snow would you need to melt to fill a cup/jug/pot/basin/bucket?
  • Build a snowman or an igloo and write instructions – include pictures
  • Make your own cards – thank you/birthday/Christmas etc
  • Use letters and pictures from magazines to create your own art work, poster or notice
  • Follow a recipe and make something tasty.  Cooking and baking are great opportunities for measuring, counting, reading and calculating time.
  • Learn a new skill – knit or crochet,
  • Improve a skill
  • Play pencil and paper games – hangman, Bingo, beetle, battleship etc
  • Play a board game – Scrabble or Monopoly
  • Write a review of a book or film
  • Listen to the radio or music
  • Make a scrap book or personal project about an interest you have and use ICT (if you have access to it)

http://www.sumdog.com/ – you will need your own username and password

http://www.educationcity.com/ – you will need the school username and password you use in school

http://www.topmarks.co.uk/ – select the year appropriate to your age and stage

http://www.bbc.co.uk/education – select the level appropriate to your age and stage