Sports Day Friday 2 June 2017
You are invited to our annual sports day on Friday 2 June at 9.30am, with a reserve date of Friday 16 June, if the weather or ground conditions are not suitable. If it has been raining, a decision will not be made until about 30 minutes before the event, to allow for the maximum opportunity to dry out wet grass. Due to the new school build, sports day will take place in the adjoining park. We have been liaising with our Land & Countryside Officer to organise line markings and use of the Pavilion.
After the success of last year, our PE Teacher from Beeslack will be helping us on the day and we are extremely lucky to have S3 Beeslack Junior Sports Leaders joining us too.
The children will participate as part of their House Team. Note – where possible children should wear a plain T-shirt in their House colour. The winning House will be announced at the end of the sports day and you will be able to view photos on the school website.
At the end of the sports day the Parent Council will provide fruit for the pupils. They will also provide tea / coffee / juice and cake for spectators only. Refreshments are not available to pupils whilst the sports day is in progress as they must remain with their teams and participate in the events. Please do not take food or drink over to your child.
After the sports, all pupils will go inside to their class areas where they can then be collected. They will be dismissed from the classroom only and will need to be signed out prior to leaving. Please go to your child’s class and sign him/her out on the class register.
Please do not sign anyone else’s child out unless the school office has been previously notified by the parent/carer.
Children not signed out by an adult will be dismissed at their usual time of 12.15pm/12.25pm.
Here’s hoping for sunshine and a great sports day.