Walk in the Glen Friday 27th April
As part of Health Week, we are planning our Walk In The Glen on Friday 27th April 2018.
The walk will be a circuit within Roslin Glen Country Park. Setting off at approximately 9.00am and we will be accompanied by a Midlothian Country Park Ranger and we will have volunteers from the Rotary Club who will be stewards on the day. We would encourage all children to bring with them a small bottle of water for them to drink along the way. Each child will receive a piece of fruit at the end of the walk, provided by the Parent Council. Due to the route we will be taking, it should be noted that toilet facilities will be at a minimum, therefore we will encourage all children to use the school facilities prior to leaving.
Please ensure children are suitably dressed for this activity (warm waterproof coat and sturdy shoes/boots), although if it is raining heavily on the day of the walk, we will unfortunately need to cancel.
We are looking for many helpers on the day, therefore, if you can help, please complete the slip below and return to school by Friday 23rd March 2018. Children can bring a £1 donation for school funds if they wish. A Payment Item has been set up on ParentPay for this purpose.
There is always a real community spirit on the morning of the walk and we are so fortunate to have Roslin Glen on our doorstep.