Emergency Closure Information
Midlothian Council notifies Radio Forth & Black Diamond FM when a decision is taken regarding school closures. Please do not phone the school as the most up-to-the moment information is given on the radio and the Midlothian Council Website, and there may well be no staff in school to receive your call.
Forth 1 – 97.3fm or 102.2fm
Forth 2 – 1548am Real Radio – 100-101fm Black Diamond FM – 107fm
If Roslin Primary is not mentioned on the radio, then the school is open
Should it become necessary to close the school during the day, staff will text/phone parents/carers to make arrangements for children to be collected. In the event that staff are unable to contact a parent or carer, then the child will remain in school with a member of staff, until the normal finishing times. Please ensure all your contact numbers are current.
When collecting children under these circumstances the procedure is as follows:
- Enter by Reception. Please do not come in class area doors.
- A register must be signed by the parent/carer before departing with your child. This will be available in the foyer.
- If you offer to take children other than your own, please ensure that you have the parent’s permission to do so, and confirm this with a member of staff before leaving the building.
- If you are at home and are aware that the school is to close early, please come round and collect your child; do not wait for the school to phone first, as it will take a considerable amount of time to contact parents/carers for over 200 children. This will greatly assist in the process.
- In these exceptional circumstances, do not leave messages on the school telephone answering service, as all lines will be busy making outgoing calls to parents/carers and staff will not be able to check for messages until all the children have left the building.
- After School Club (ASC) – If your child is booked in to the ASC and you are at home and/or aware that the school may be closed early as a result of severe weather, please come to collect your child. Otherwise he/she will go with the ASC staff as soon as they are able to collect the children. Please check with the ASC regarding their procedures.
The above guidelines will help to ensure that the process of closing school early goes as safely and smoothly as possible and your help is greatly appreciated.
Access to school on snowy days
Pupils can enter the school by the front reception door. All other routes can be used but parents/carers must be made aware that these routes should be used with extreme caution as it is unlikely the janitor will be able to clear/salt these routes in time for the start of the school day.