May Newsletter
May Newsletter (MS Word document)
May 2014 – News, Information and Diary Dates
School Website :
on Twitter by searching @RoslinPS
- Milk money for the 2014 – 2015 session is due by Thursday 5 June : £28.50 for the full year. If paying by cheque, please make payable to Midlothian Council. You can also pay termly, please refer to the letter you received previously for details.
Health Week Sponsored Walk : If you are still to hand in your sponsorship money please send it to school by Friday 23 May, at the latest. We are very grateful for you support as this is our major annual fundraiser and so far, you have raised over £1000!
The Eco Committee would like to invite pupils to celebrate a ‘Green Day’ in school on Friday 23rd May. Pupils are encouraged to wear green clothes or a ‘recycled’ outfit. This day is intended to raise awareness of environment issues and the role of the Eco Committee.
Optional donations of 50p towards the school’s Eco funds would be very welcome.
House Points
House points are awarded by all staff to pupils for a variety of things, eg good behaviour, showing respect and good manners, working hard in class, wearing school uniform, walking nicely around the school and holding the doors open for staff/parents/visitors etc. The House Captains have been busy counting house points and the winning house gets 5 minutes extra playtime on a Friday.
Some Diary Dates and Additional Information
Monday 19 May | Staff In-Service Day. School closed to all pupils. |
Thursday 22 May | Parliamentary Elections. Bilston Annexe closed to pupils, Roslin School open. |
Wednesday 4 June | Midlothian P7 souvenir class photos supplement will be in the Midlothian Advertiser |
Wednesday 4 June | Judo taster session for all P4s |
Thursday 5 June | Milk Money Due : cheques payable to Midlothian Council |
Friday 6 June | Roslin Sports Day. Further info to follow |
11th – 13th June | P7 transition visits to Beeslack Community High School. Further info to follow. |
Thursday 12 June | Beeslack Open Evening for P7 pupils and parents |
Wednesday 18 June | P7 outing to M & Ds theme park |
Friday 20 June | Bilston Nursery and P1/2 Sports Day. Further info to follow. |
Wednesday 25 June | P7 class to the Risk Factory, 8.50am prompt. Further info to follow. |
Wednesday 25 June | Roslin Nursery Sports Day. Further info to follow. |
Thursday 26 June | Bilston Nursery Family Outing to Vogrie |
Friday 27 June | Parent Helper Thank You. Further info to follow. |
Wednesday 2 July | Roslin Nursery Family Outing to 5 Sisters Zoo |
Wednesday 2 July | P7 Leaving Assembly. (for Parents/Carers & family of P7 pupils only) |
Wednesday 2 July | Bilston Nursery “Garden Party” – further info will follow |
Throughout the year, classes may be outdoors in the school grounds, taking part in a variety of activities, PE, class work, environmental studies, etc. and it is recommended that children wear sunscreen.
There are products available which are applied once a day, ie. before your child leaves in the morning, and you may find this easiest, particularly for younger children. However, if you would prefer, you may provide your child with a suitable sunscreen, clearly labelled with his/her name and class, to be kept at school. This will be applied by your child and will be his/her responsibility. Therefore, I should be grateful if you would ensure that your child is able to apply his or her own sunscreen, understands that it must be kept in his/her tray and that it should never be shared with another child.
A hat for outdoor use is also recommended. As with all belongings, this should be clearly labelled with your child’s name and class and would be left at school.
Water: P1 – P7 pupils are encouraged to drink water throughout the day and may bring a bottle to school; this must contain plain water only. The bottle can be kept on her/his table for use throughout the day and can also be useful for taking outside during outdoor activities. There are drinking fountains in all the areas and water bottles can be refilled there. In the nurseries, water is also always available as well as their milk, which is provided free of charge to pre-school children.
Pentland Plants : We would like to thank Mr Young, who visited Pentland Plants to ask for a donation of plants for the Garden. They have given us a very generous donation of approximately £100 –£200 worth of plants.
Commonwealth Baton : The Commonwealth Baton will pass through Roslin at 9:00am approx on Monday 16th June. We are happy for parents to take their children to view the baton passing along the Main Street and then bring their children straight to school thereafter. If you intend doing this, please notify the school so that we can amend the attendance register accordingly.
( P7 have kindly been invited to see it at Rosslyn Chapel, as part of their Junior Tour Guide Project and will be taken as a class – letter to follow)
TERM 1 | Staff Resume | Monday** |
18 |
August | 2014 |
Pupils Resume | Wednesday |
20 |
August | 2014 | |
Autumn Holiday | Friday |
12 |
September | 2014 | |
Monday |
15 |
September | 2014 | ||
All Return | Tuesday |
16 |
September | 2014 | |
Mid Term | All Break | Friday |
10 |
October | 2014 |
Staff Resume | Monday * |
20 |
October | 2014 | |
Pupils Resume | Tuesday |
21 |
October | 2014 | |
Term Ends | Friday |
19 |
December | 2014 | |
TERM 2 | All Resume | Tuesday |
6 |
January | 2015 |
Mid Term | All Break | Friday |
13 |
February | 2015 |
All Resume | Monday |
23 |
February | 2015 | |
Pupils Break | Wednesday |
1 |
April | 2015 | |
Staff Break | Thursday* |
2 |
April | 2015 | |
TERM 3 | All Resume | Monday |
20 |
April | 2015 |
May Day | Monday |
4 |
May | 2015 | |
All Resume | Tuesday |
5 |
May | 2015 | |
Victoria Day | Monday* |
18 |
May | 2015 | |
Pupils Resume | Tuesday |
19 |
May | 2015 | |
Term Ends | Friday |
3 |
July | 2015 |
* In Service Days