Christmas Parties
P4 & P5 Party Monday 17 December (afternoon)
Nursery Party Tuesday 18 December (morning)
P6 & P7 Party Tuesday 18 December (afternoon)
P1, P2 & P3 Party Wednesday 19 December (afternoon)
In order for us to supply food, prizes and gifts for each child, please send in £2.00 per child, in an envelope with your child’s name and “Christmas Party”, to the class teacher by Monday 10 December. (Please note that these events will not be entered onto ParentPay.)
If your child has any specific allergies, please contact the school office to discuss suitable alternative party food.
Your child can either go home at lunchtime to change into their party clothes or bring them into school and change at lunchtime.
If your child is going home for lunch on the day of their party, please let the school know.