Guess the Sweets in the Jar and Guess the Cuddly Toy’s Birthday will be in school week commencing 3 December 2018. Children will be able…

P4 & P5 Party Monday 17 December (afternoon) Nursery Party Tuesday 18 December (morning) P6 & P7 Party Tuesday 18 December (afternoon) P1, P2…

Please note that on Friday 21st December the school will close at 12 noon. The morning nursery children will finish at their normal time and…

For a donation of £1, children are welcome to come to school wearing their Christmas jumpers on Friday 7 December 2018. The Christmas…

It has been decided this year to donate class themed hampers to be raffled at the Parent Council Christmas Fair on Friday 7th December. Each…

To celebrate Book Week Scotland P4 – 7 classes will be organising a class Book Swap. Children are invited to bring in books that they…

“Beauty & The Beast” Pantomime Hopscotch Theatre Company We are delighted to offer the children from Nursery to P3 the opportunity to…

The pupils of Roslin Primary School are excited to be taking part in the First Ministers Reading Challenge. The challenge exists to encourage children to…