April 2014 Newsletter
April 2014 Newsletter (MS Word .doc)
April 2014 – News, Information and Diary Dates
The Disco organised by the Parent Council last term was a huge success. Over 150 children attended the two discos and a total of £207 was raised for school funds. This was possible because the Miner’s Welfare Club at Bilston very kindly gave us the use of their hall free of charge.
P5/6 thoroughly enjoyed their visit from Professor Bob Rees of Scotland’s Rural College. They had many questions for the Professor and carried out a fantastic interview on climate change.
We have been working with the Authority in order to improve some of our facilities for Health and Wellbeing. We are delighted with our recent refurbishments, which include renewal of the court outlines in the gym hall at Roslin; the gym hall toilets have been refurbished and the changing rooms and the corridor outside the changing rooms redecorated and re-floored. The pupils are enjoying using the improved facilities.
House Points : the Captains have been busy counting points for their House and choosing the best slogans for their teams. All the pupils will be learning their slogan soon.
The Nursery at Roslin made some really delicious soup, using leeks from the school garden. Mr Yapp and Mr Young regularly help the pupils with the school garden. Currently they are also involved in building a bottle greenhouse.
Book Challenge :
Some Diary Dates
- Friday 2 May – Bookshop
- Monday 5 May – Public Holiday, pupils and staff return on Tuesday 6th
- Wednesday 7 May – P4 – P7 Parent/Carer Internet safety talk, Top Area, 6:00pm
- Wednesday 21 May – Parent Council AGM
- Thursday 22 May – European Parliamentary Elections. Bilston Annexe closed to pupils, Roslin School open.
- Monday 26 May to Friday 30 May – P7 Benmore residential camp.
- Friday 30 May – last day for sending Sainsbury’s Active Schools vouchers to school
- Friday 6 June : Roslin Sports Day (Roslin Nursery date to be confirmed)
- Monday 16 June : Commonwealth Baton will be passing through Midlothian
- Friday 20 June : Bilston Sports Day
(further information regarding sports day times and information will follow)
Dear Parents/Carers The Eco Committee would like to thank everyone who brought/sent in plastic bottles for our new greenhouse. We are pleased to say that we now have enough bottles and so no longer require pupils to bring them in. Your support with this task has been much appreciated and we look forward to seeing the completed greenhouse soon! Yours sincerely Roslin Eco Committee |
At the main school, please ensure that your child has lunch money each day, if requiring a school lunch. If you are unable to give your child lunch money at any time, eg. if you do not have change, please provide a packed lunch rather than sending her/him to school without money. Lunch money should be in a named wallet or purse. |
SCHOOL UNIFORM ORDERS You can order school uniform online, at any time : www.border-embroideries.co.uk . Paper order forms will be sent out three times a year and the Parent Council will oversee these orders being placed and distributed to pupils in school. |
New Staging
Our old staging was very heavy to move, bulky to store and sometimes affected the sound quality of performances. We are very grateful to our Parent Council for purchasing new staging for Roslin, which will certainly be used for many school events and activities and will be much easier to move and store and should be considerable less noisy.
We would like to thank all the families who took part in the Reading Challenge between January and March. It was very successful and the children enjoyed it. We will be issuing awards soon. |
Health Week Report I have thoroughly enjoyed my first Health Week at Roslin. I would like to thank the Health Committee, led by Mrs Findlay, and all the staff, for their hard work in organising it. I’ve been so impressed by the amount of Parental support that I see in and around the school. We held rugby sessions, Judo tasters from Blair Laidlaw, Zumba with Annette Valentine, Dance, and many others, such as emotional health activities, throughout the week. Thanks also to the catering staff for their support and for providing the special Hotdog Lunch and the Parent Council for providing fruit at the end of the walk, for all the children. We had Heartstart training sessions, which were taught by the class teachers and Emma Clark, and Joan Bassindale from First Responders. On Wednesday we held a sponsored walk to Roslin Glen for P1 – P7 pupils. The P1/2 class from Bilston Annexe joined us. The walk was led by staff and the countryside ranger, Alan Krumholds, with many parent helpers assisting for the whole walk and members of the Rotary Club on hand to help at the Glen. The sun shone and we enjoyed our walk together, admiring the scenery in the village and the glen. The nurseries will be having their sponsored walk soon too. We concluded our week with a Healthy Breakfast today, at the Annexe and at the main school. I look forward to a busy and exciting Summer term ahead. |
If you have sponsor money please send it to school by Friday 9 May, in a sealed envelope marked with your child’s class, amount and the sponsor sheet. Thank you for your support.
(Whenever sending money or cheques to school, this should be in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, class, amount and the event on it. We are required to do this for auditing purposes. Please send a separate envelope for each of your children and never combine money for different events. Thank you.)
The School term, holiday and closure dates for 2014/2015 – can be found on the Midlothian Council website