A reminder that Tempest Photography will take class photographs on Wednesday for P1 Bilston, P1 Roslin, P4 & P7 classes.

There will be a bookshop in Roslin Primary School this Friday 6 February 2015 for all P1-P7 children in Roslin. Information will follow for Bilston’s…

Thursday 12 March 2015 6:30 – 7:30 All Primary school children and their parent/carers. This session we have decided to focus our curriculum evening around…

There is now a link to the Active Schools Dance Showcase which took place in Beeslack HS in December 2014. http://www.activemidlothian.org.uk/news/active-schools-dance-showcase-769

The Authority would like to gather the views on the impact of this provision from parents and carers of nursery children. To do this a…

P2and3 newsletter term 3href=”https://roslin.mgfl.net/files/2015/01/P1-newsletter-term-3-1skon3h.docx”>P1 newsletter term 3Term 3 Newsletter P4b P5 Newsletter Term 3P2Term 3 NewsletterP2 P3 newsletter P6a Newsletter Jan15 p6b term 3 P7term3newsletter

The Community Child Health Team will be in school Wednesday 21 January to do a height/weight check for all P1 children.

Active Schools are offering 3 activity clubs this term in Roslin Primary. Gymnastics for P1-3 on Tuesdays 3:15 – 4:15pm. 27 Jan – 24 Mar…

In order to mark the birthday of our National Bard, on Tuesday 27 January 2015 we are asking all children to come to school wearing…

I am delighted to inform you that Lucy McInally is our newly appointed permanent Office Support Assistant who will be working in the school office…