Read, Write, Count Bags: Parent Survey
In autumn 2017, you received Read, Write, Count bags to gift to all P2 and P3 pupils in your school. We would love to receive your feedback on how you used the bags, their impact on your pupils and how we could improve them in the future. Your feedback helps us to evaluate our programmes and it is very valuable to us.
As the Read, Write, Count bags aim to support family learning, we are also gathering feedback from parents and carers of children in P2 and P3. If you have a school website, newsletter or social media account which could be used to share our parent survey, we would really appreciate your help in publicising it. This will ensure that our evaluation represents the views of parents across the country and help us to meet their needs in future.
The survey for parents can be found at:
All parents who fill in this survey will be entered into a prize draw to win a personal Read, Write, Count goodie bag filled with books, games and activities for all the family to enjoy.
The deadline for completing both surveys is Tuesday 27 February.
If you have any queries about Read Write Count or our evaluation, please contact me on or 0131 524 0174.
Best wishes,
Sarah Mallon
Attainment Programmes Outreach Co-ordinator
Scottish Book Trust