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Has your child received a P2 or P3 Read Write Count bag this autumn/winter? Please let us know what you thought by filling out the…

Another year of a very successful Health Week took place from 29th April to Friday 3rd May. During this week the children took part in…

Nursery Newsletter P1 Term 3 Newsletter P2 Term3 Newsletter P3 Term 3 Newsletter P4 Term 3 Newsletter P5 Term 3 Newsletter P6 Term 3 Newsletter…

We are delighted to be able to offer Judo as an after school club in conjunction with Chris Syrett who is the head coach of…

In autumn 2017, you received Read, Write, Count bags to gift to all P2 and P3 pupils in your school. We would love to receive…

As part of P3’s ongoing topic featuring “The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark” the learners enjoyed a visit from 2 owls today , they…

Primary 7 Term 3 Newsletter P6aNewsletter3 Term 3 Newsletter p6b 2016 2017 primary 5 term 3 2016-17 P4 newsletter term3 Term3 newsletter 2016-17 P3 Primary…