We have been asked by Midlothian Council to circulate the following Covid Statement: Midlothian Council, emergency services, business and volunteers have joined forces to urge…

Please see below a poster regarding Midlothian Food and Key Essentials Fund. The application page is now live at: http://www.midlothian.gov.uk/food-fund

Please click on the link below to read a letter from NHS regarding contact isolation period change. NHS Letter 13-12-20

Please click on the link below to read the minutes. PC Meeting Minutes_12 November 2020

Please click on the attachments below for STEM learning activities that can be done at home. STEM Home Learning Science in School booklet

We are delighted to confirm that our school has successfully attained a 3rd Eco-Schools Green Flag Award. Please click below to also read the lovely…

Outstanding contribution to our community by Cameron (P5) and Ciara (P1) who over the last few weeks have spent hours in rain and wind clearing…