Minutes of Parent Council meeting 30th April 2014
Roslin Primary School Parent Council
Minutes of Meeting on 30th April 2014
- 1. Present: Jo Wilson (JW), Andrea Berry (AB), Pam Stewart (PS), Kim Blair (KB), Simon Bullock (SB), Jon Steele (JS), Emma Torrenc (ET), Maryann Quinn (MQ), Sam Hamilton (SH), Shelley Kay (SK), Annie Douglas (AD), Anna Hulton (AH), John Phillips (JP-Chair), Claire Witney (CW_Treasurer), Alex Clark (AC-Secretary/Minutes)
Apologies: Rhona Farren (RF), Sarah Keer-Keer (SKK), Juliet Ridgway-Tait (JRT), Angela Newton (AG), Mairi Needham (MN), Sam Hamilton (SH), Zoe Fegie (ZF)
Welcome: JP welcomed everyone and introduced new members/visitors.
- 2. School uniform.
JW introduced George and Ellie from the Pupil Council. The Pupil Council had been discussing their views about school uniform and new ideas at a previous meeting. They shared their outcome with the Parent Council. Overall the Pupil Council was positive about school uniform as it was at the moment. It was thought that a few points should be clarified or reinforced such as the use of hair accessories and makeup for girls, jewelry, sportswear and shoes. It was suggested that a tie could be a nice addition for special occasions and possibly a house T-shirt for PE. Incentives to wear school uniform could be house points, stickers and verbal praise. Everyone in the Parent Council agreed on tightening the rules on school uniform. The Parent Council will look at widening the range of clothes available from the website for Roslin Primary School, in particular sportswear. The Pupil Council and the Parent Council will discuss this further. School uniform will be re-discussed at the next Parent Council meeting and a letter will be sent to inform everyone about the outcome.
- 3. Coaching for parents
Jenna McCandlish (Active School Coordinator) came to talk about Positive Coaching Scotland and invited all parents/guardians to attend a workshop on Wednesday 11th June at Beeslack Community High School (staff room) from 6.30pm-8pm. This workshop will be an opportunity to learn more about using sport in a positive environment to teach life skills such as leadership, teamwork, discipline, resilience, etc..
- 4. Minutes of meeting held on 19 March 2014 accepted
- 5. AOCB:
– Forrest school: JS asked if it was possible to get feedback on the Forrest school program that had taken place with some of the nursery children.
– P7 year book funding: KB wondered how the Parent Council funds were allocated for the P7 leaving activities (year book and M&D trip)
– AH (on behalf of Nina Sobecka) wondered if the musical instruments donated a few years ago were used by the school.
- 4. Matters arising
a) Lunch money: JW had spoken with Margaret McKenzie (Catering Services Manager, Midlothian) who reported that a long-term project for change is taking place but will take time to implement. JW also spoke to Maureen (Roslin school canteen manager) about options to pay for school dinners. It was agreed that a trial will take place soon where parents would be able to pay weekly on a Monday if they wished or daily as before.
b) Fundraising: AB contacted the Midlothian ICT department to ask about different options for tablets. After some testing, Midlothian ICT department has decided to use iPads only (other tablets can be considered for internet use only). The cost for an iPad is £270, the funds necessary to purchase a set of 15 would be considerable. More thoughts are needed on this issue such as insurance for loss/damage and further fundraising.
AB will look into registering this easyfundraising.org as feedback from other users seems positive. A letter will be sent to parents.
c) Bilston Rag Bag: The collection point needs to be moved closer to the school wall. ET suggested asking the workmen at the Wimpey development site in Bilston.
d) Catchment area: Owen Thompson wasn’t able to come to the meeting. At a different meeting JP spoke to Andrew Coventry from Midlothian Council about catchment areas and implications for Beeslack, parents should be kept informed.
e) Shelter: JW is working with the After School Club to see if it would possible to use the Pavilion on rainy days. It was agreed that the major problem was the different school finishing times, especially on a Friday. Nursery times should be changing next year, hopefully helping this matter.
f) Sport Day: The first date for sport day is 6th June. A working party will be meeting on Friday 9th May (KB, AN, SK, CW, SH) to discuss requirements for the day.
- 7. Numeracy
Suzanne Thayne (Schools Group Manager, Midlothian) will be visiting Roslin Primary School on the 22nd May and will be observing lessons. She would like to talk to 4 parents (parents from the Parent Council volunteered at the meeting).
- 8. AGM
John announced that he will be stepping down from chairman. Simon Bullock said he would consider the post. A letter to all parents/guardians will be sent shortly and the Agenda will be prepared. Action AC
- 9. Communications
No communications.
- 10. AOCB
Music equipment: Musical instruments were donated a few years ago. The Parent Council bought new power supplies for some of the keyboards. At the time it was agreed that children in P3/P4 would learn to play the recorder. It would be appreciated if the Parent Council could get some feedback on the use of the musical instrument and also check if they are all in working order. JS kindly offered to repair them free of charge if he had spare parts. An inventory should be made. Action JW
Forrest school: JS requested feedback on the Forrest School Progam which took place last year.
Year book: A year book is being put together for the P7, costing a maximum of £7/book. KB and Alison Herd (P7 teacher) wondered if the Parent Council would be able to contribute to the cost. As the Parent Council already contributes £4 per child towards their end of year trip, it was decided that the amount would remain the same and could be allocated as appropriate.
Next meeting is on Wednesday 21st May at 6.30pm in Roslin Primary School (enter via P1 door)