Minutes of Parent Council meeting 9th November 2010
Minutes of Parent Council Meeting
Wednesday 9th November 2010
1. Welcome & Apologies
Present: Councillor Les Thacker (LT), Councillor Owen Thompson (OT), Sarah Keer-Keer (SK) (Chair), John Phillips (JP), Suzanne Rowe (SR), Anna Hulton (AH), Jennifer Allison (JA), Pat Brack (PB), Lesley Liddle (LL), Lesley Bee (LB), Julie Owenson (JO), Claire Witney (CW) (minutes)
Apologies: Mark Turner, Nicki Wells
2. Minutes of meeting 31st August 2010 – accepted
3. Matters Arising
a. Music lessons – Concerns were raised about MC (Midlothian Council) funding for music tuition being reduced. Discussion followed about options to fund and possibilities of extending music tuition to more pupils. JA agreed to check current situation and possibility of external tutors in school. JA, SR and CW are to be working group and will arrange a meeting to discuss this further. OT is working within Midlothian Council to improve music tuition to all pupils and offered his assistance.
b. Grounds for Learning – Planters are about to be completed and a request for donations of bulbs will go out to parents. SK suggested Ian Stewart be invited to next meeting to update PC on plans for park. Discussion about access points to school being open to public resulting in dog fouling and general littering followed. The possibility of moving the school boundary fence was raised. OT suggested contacting MC Landscape Manager regarding rights of way issues and will arrange a visit to assess options.
c. Open Evening – Most parents gave positive feedback. A curriculum evening will be held in February in conjunction with performances from pupils and display of art. The PTA and PC will also be involved. AH agreed to assist JA and staff and will meet to discuss what parent’s would like to know about CFE.
d. Communication – JA will pursue emailing letters to parents and clarify with staff the procedure for distribution of general information and class specific letters. It was agreed that PC minutes and agendas will be posted on the school website one week before each meeting. SK raised the issue of the school download speed being very slow. OT and LT had been assured there was no problem so will follow this up.
4. Parent Forum feedback issues
Equipment: PTA is raising funds for purchase of SMART boards and is planning a sponsored walk at Easter. ITC equipment has to come from Midlothian Council to ensure system appropriate for use.
Maths & Science: JA intends to improve tracking within school to ensure high standard of teaching and attainment. A Working group will create policy on teaching maths including active learning, self assessment and assessing pupils.
Homework: JA is auditing current homework levels across the school and will implement a homework policy for next session.
5. Playground supervision and pupil conduct (postponed until next meeting)
6. Dog Fouling
Work is ongoing to improve awareness within the school and community.
7. Head Teacher’s report
JA discussed positive feedback received in questionnaire issued at the school open evening and will distribute to PF (Parent Forum). JA thanked SK and CW for participating in producing the school vision. The pupils will be consulted on this before it being sent to PF for comment. JA has been implementing MC standards and procedures within school including Health & Safety, Child Protection etc. This will be evaluated by two peer Head Teachers and pupils, parents and staff will be interviewed. The first inspection will be in 3 weeks time.
8. A.O.C.B
SK will create doodle poll to arrange a meeting to discuss Disclosure requirements
9. Date of next meeting Wednesday 26th January 2011 7.30pm staff room.