In line with Midlothian Council policy, all adult volunteers who help in schools on a regular basis (more than once a year) should complete a…

We will be collecting Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers again this year. You can collect the vouchers from 9 February until 31 May 2011. You can collect…

Monday 24th January. The whole school will be participating in a Scottish themed week, eg music, song, dance, poetry, history, etc.

P4/5 pupils have been learning about the life and works of artist Claude Monet. Click on the following link to see some of their work. Claude…

A report by Peter and Holly of P4/5 on the Middle Area’s Christmas Card Challenge. Christmas card challenge

Snow days or no snow days I think snow days should be allowed. Snow days are days that children and some adults have to stay…

The following argument is about whether or not children should have ‘Snow Days’. A snow day is a day when children get a day off…

Snow days or no snow days Snow days are when snow, sleet or ice stops you from getting to work or school. Recently schools from…

Minutes of Parent Council Meeting Wednesday 9th November 2010 1. Welcome & Apologies Present: Councillor Les Thacker (LT), Councillor Owen Thompson (OT), Sarah…

Our class have recently been reading a poem called ‘Skatin’ written by J.K Annand. It is a Scottish poem and has a lot of unusual…