Minutes of Parent Council AGM 25th May 2011
Minutes of Roslin Primary School Parent Council AGM, Wednesday 25th May 2011
1 – Present: Sarah Keer-Keer (SKK, Chair), John Phillips (JP, Vice-Chair), Claire Witney (CW, Secretary), Jennifer Allison (JA, Headteacher), Caroline Findlay (CFi), Teresa Reid (TR) (co-opted staff members), Suzanne Rowe (SR), Julie Owenson (JO) (ordinary members), Keith Ballingall (KBa), Kim Blair (KBl), Victoria Bullock (VB), Annie Douglas (AD), Sam Hamilton (SH), Donna Hogg (DH), Fran Jones (FJ), Shelley Kay (SKa), Mairi Needham (MN), Angela Newton (AN), Nina Sobecka (NS), Pam Stewart (PS), Aine Yapp (AY). Apologies/not present: Anna Hulton (AH, Treasurer), Mark Turner (MT), Nicky Wells (NW), Carol Fullerton (CFu)
2 – The minutes of the 2010 AGM were accepted.
3 – A proposal was made by SKK and JP and unanimously agreed, to increase the maximum number of members allowed by the constitution to 25, which is amended accordingly. A proposal was made and accepted to merge the PTA with the parent council, the PTA having voted to disband.
4 – The PTA presented a brief report on their last year including the total amount of money raised and currently in their bank account (see PTA AGM minutes). The PTA’s current bank account is to be closed and a new one opened on behalf of the PC. KBl will facilitate the new bank account and the appointment of an auditor; to be in operation before the start of the next session.
5 – SKK presented a brief report on the PC’s last year including Grounds For Improvement (vegetable gardens, wildflower meadow and mosaics), the working party on music tuition, and a new working party on behaviour policy.
6 – JA presented a brief report on progress since the last meeting, including the results of the Dog Fouling Notices competition being produced as signs for the school, and selection of the working party for Sports Day (SKK, SR, AN with KB, FJ, MN, NS, PS, and AY as helpers).
7 – New PC members: SKK, JP, CW, AH, JO, SR, KBa, KBl, AD, SH, DH, Joyce Frankish, FJ, SKa, MN, AN, NS, PS, MT; co-opted members Pat Brack, CFi, Lesley Bee, Lesley Liddle, TR; additional event helpers VB, CFu, NW, AY, Kenny & Lynn Young. Appointment of new office bearers is postponed until the next meeting.
8 – AOCB:
a – discussion of the proposed merger of Beeslack and Penicuik High Schools by Midlothian Council. The parent council will produce a joint statement on the proposal having consulted the parent body – CW to make a flyer/questionnaire for parents; in the mean time all parents are encouraged to fill in and return their Midlothian Council questionnaires, and to attend the public meeting in Penicuik Town Hall.
b – 10th June proposed as the date for the next School Bookshop, assuming Sports Day is not postponed from 3rd June.
c – a fund for a presentation for Mrs Kent’s retirement is to be looked into (JA).
9 – Date of the next meeting is Wednesday 8th June at 7pm in the school.