Minutes of Parent Council meeting 8th June 2011

Minutes of Roslin Primary School Parent Council meeting, Wed 8th June 2011


1. Present: Sarah Keer-Keer (SKK) (Chair), John Phillips (JP), Jennifer Allison (JA), Teresa Reid (TR), Pat Brack (PB), Lesley Liddle (LL), Alison Hughes (AH1), Pam Stewart (PS), Suzanne Rowe (SR), Lynn Harrower (LH), Shelley Kay (SK), Annie Douglas (AD), Sam Hamilton (SH), Mairi Needham (MN), Kim Blair (KB), Suzanne Black (SB), Claire Witney (CW) (Minutes), Nina Sobecka (NS), Owen Thompson (OT) (Councillor)

Apologies: Caroline Findlay, Julie Owenson, Angela Newton, Juliet Ridgway-Tait, Anna Hulton, Donna Hogg

2. Appointment of office bearers for 2011/2012

Chair – John Phillips Proposed by SKK Seconded by CW

Vice chair – Shelley Kay LH MN

Treasurer – Anna Hulton CW SKK

Secretary – Claire Witney SR SKK

KB agreed to continue as treasurer until next session and will arrange a handover meeting with AH.  The position of clerk was discussed and SKK suggested advertising for a suitable candidate by word of mouth so if any PC member knows anyone who may be interested to get in touch.

3. Minutes of meeting on March 23rd 2011 accepted

4. Matters arising

a) Gate at park entrance will cost ₤659.91.  JA is to forward details of quote to OT for consideration for funding.  A new fence on the boundary with the park is desirable but costs are prohibitive at present.  SKK suggested a hedge instead.  JA to email James Kinch to find out if this is possible.  JP queried whether the park fund may cover the cost.  SKK sure all funds are allocated but will discuss with Ian Stewart.

b) The paths through the school are not on the list of registered rights of way however as they join two roads, any closure could be challenged under the Rights of Way legislation.  Midlothian Council indicated that the school can lock the gates at break time if there is support from parents.  A vote was held and there was unanimous support for this.

JA raised the topic of a sign for the entrance to the school.  The pupils have selected a preferred option.  SKK requested funding from OT who agreed there would be funds available for signage.

c) The pupil council has contributed to the school vision and it was discussed further and the preferred option is “Exciting learning within our friendly and active community of Roslin and Bilston”.

d) Parents have the responsibility of monitoring their own children’s use of Facebook.  A link to CEOP will be put on the school website to raise awareness.  SKK queried number of hits on the site – JP to check with Alan Thomson if hit counter is available.  JA acknowledged the achievements of all involved in developing the school website and commented on its success.

5. Head teacher’s report

Class lists out on Fri 10th and reports on Mon 13th.  JA commented on the supportive process in school when classes were announced to pupils and that they have tried to keep changes to a minimum.

JA discussed the School Improvement Plan and the processes involved in creating and implementing an action plan and assessing attainment.  The final document will be available on the school website.

As part of the review of the Behaviour Policy in school, JA plans to implement a rewards/sanctions chart for each pupil.  The starting point for improving behaviour will be revisiting the school rules.

JA and LL are working on a draft Homework Policy and stressed the importance of ensuring children who do not have parental support at home still benefit.

Music teaching will continue next session with two new teachers.  Liz Steven is a primary music specialist and will work on Mondays and Grant Alexander is a secondary music teacher who will be in school on Wednesdays.  This will allow individual class teaching and a weekly assembly on a Monday.

6. Forward planning for PC

Draft Homework Policy and draft Behaviour Policy to be discussed at the first meeting of the PC next session.

The working group for music tuition is to arrange a meeting with the new music teachers at the beginning of next session (CW, SR, JP and NS).   Fundraising for instruments by PC may be required and OT may be able to assist with supply of instruments from Midlothian Council.

The grounds project will continue and KB agreed to join the working group.  SR volunteered Tim Rowe to assist with ground works.

JA suggested that the PC may take on ordering of school uniforms next session.  Jan requires assistance this term with uniforms.  SR, KB and MN offered to help.

7. Retirement – presentation of ₤40 bouquet at assembly on Thursday 30th June 2-3pm.  MN and possibly SKK will attend.

8. Communications – none

9. A.O.C.B

a) JA announced that a Facilities Officer will be on site until 6pm every night.  The school will have 24hours of free lets per session.  The BB’s will still use the school on a Wednesday and JA will enquire how this affects the use of the school by teachers and PC in terms of lets required.  CW to liaise with JA and arrange lets for PC meetings.

b) Procedure for spending funds was agreed.  Staff can present a request for funds with estimated costs to the PC and a vote will be held.  The current request for funds for the Heineman Active Maths Level 1 ₤750 and Level 2 ₤700 plus a Smartboard ₤2371 was unanimously supported by the PC.  JA will order the items and submit the invoice to AH/KB.

c) KB advised that Bank of Scotland can change the account name from PTA and are sending out a mandate.  This will be done in time for start of next session as will addition of new signatories.

d) CW to arrange meeting for Christmas fundraiser.  SR, KB, AH1 and MN agreed to be involved.

e) Working group to meet on Tues 14th 7.30pm at Original Hotel to word reply to High School merger consultation (SKK, JP, SR, SK & CW).  JP and SK are to meet with Phil Denning from HMIE on Wed 29th June 9am about the proposal.

On behalf of the PC, SKK thanked JA and the school management team for all their efforts and achievements during this session.

10. Dates of meetings next session (locations TBC)

31st August 2011

2nd November 2011

25th January 2012

14th March 2012

9th May 2012

13th June 2012

AGM  will be held on Wed 23rd May 2012