Pupil and Parent/Carer Drop-In to P1 – Wednesday 7 June 2017, 11.40am to 12.25pm As part of their transition to P1, there are two…
P1 and P2 school day change Aug 17 This letter is to give you early notice of a change to the length of the school…
IMPORTANT – Midlothian Catering Budget Changes Following the Midlothian Council Budget Review in December 2016, the following changes will take place: Primary 1-3 Free…
Headlice March 2017 Please read the link above for information on preventing and treating headlice.
Please note that the NHS Dental team will carry out dental inspections for P1 & P7 children on Tuesday 7 March 2017. . Previously signed…
Please click on the links below to view the class newsletters: Newsletter Jan 2017 P1 P4newsletterterm2 P6aNewsletter2 Primary 2 Newsletter Term 2 1617 primary 5…
P1 Parents & Carers – Scottish Book Trust needs your help! Every November, Scottish Book Trust gifts a free bag of books to every P1…
Tempest Photography will take the above class photographs on Friday 10 March 2017. You should receive the proof photograph on the day. Full details…
For information on the diagnosis and treatment of headlice, please use the following link : Bugbusting