New P1 Intake Transition Meetings

Pupil and Parent/Carer Drop-In to P1 –  Wednesday 7 June 2017,  11.40am to 12.25pm


As part of their transition to P1, there are two visits arranged for children commencing in August. The first one is a short drop-in on Wednesday 8 June, between 11.40am and 12.25pm.  This is an opportunity for you, or a carer, and your child to spend some time in the P1 class and meet the teacher. You are welcome to arrive at a time that suits you from 11.40am onwards and to stay as long as you wish up until 12.25pm.  We hope these open timings will accommodate pupils attending our morning and afternoon nurseries as well as those from other early year’s centres.


Children who attend Roslin Nursery that morning can be collected by you/carer from the Nursery and taken to the P1 class from 11.40am.


If your child is attending Roslin Nursery that afternoon, you, or a carer, may bring him/her to the P1 class between 11.40am and 12.25pm.


If your child attends a private nursery, either you, a carer or a member of your private nursery’s staff is welcome to bring your child for the visit; please liaise with your child’s nursery to arrange this.



Parent/Carer and Pupil Visit to P1 – Thursday 8 June 2017

Pupils 9.15am – 10.30am       Adults 9.15am – 10.15am


Whilst the children are meeting with their new teacher and classmates, parents/carers or representatives will go through to the hall for an induction meeting, where you will find out more about how the P1 class operates. There will refreshments available until 10.30am.


Roslin Morning Nursery Children

If your child attends Roslin Nursery morning class you may drop off your child from 8.30am as normal and collect them at 9.10am to take them to the P1 entrance. However, if you prefer, you may bring your child directly to the P1 door at 9.15am.  Please inform nursery staff of your decision in advance.


The class teacher will bring everyone in at 9.15am. After bringing your child into the P1 class area, make your way through to the hall for 9.25am.  The parent/carer meeting will finish at 10.15am approximately.  Children from the morning nursery class will be collected by nursery staff at 10.30am.  Should you wish to collect your child at this time rather than the normal morning finishing time, you should go to the nursery and sign them out as normal.


All Other New P1 Children

The class teacher will bring everyone in at 9.15am via the P1 entrance door. After bringing your child into the P1 class area, make your way through to the hall for 9.25am.  The parent/carer meeting will finish at 10.15am approximately.  Children should be collected at 10.30am from the P1 exit door.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Jo Wilson

Head Teacher