This Week - May 6th

This Week – May 6th

Monday – Mrs. Allison will be returning from her temporary posting at Rosewell. New fences are being installed as part of the improvements to school security….

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Minutes of Parent Council meeting 6th March 2013

Minutes of Parent Council meeting 6th March 2013

Roslin Primary School Parent Council Minutes of meeting Wednesday March 6th 2013   Present: John Phillips (JP) chair, Rosie Cowie (from Community Learning And Development)…

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This Week - April 29th

This Week – April 29th

Last week’s Talent Show was a great success – the money raised will go towards the trip to Malawi.   Parents and the Eco Committee…

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This Week - April 22nd

This Week – April 22nd

Monday – the Dog Warden will be visting at 2pm.   Tuesday – Dental inspections for P1 and P7.   Thursday – the pupils will…

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April 2013 Newsletter

April 2013 Newsletter

April 2013 Newsletter Dates Info

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Mrs. Allison leaving

Mrs. Allison leaving

We’re sad to announce that Mrs Allison will be leaving us at the end of this session to take up a new post as Headteacher of…

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This Week - March 18th

This Week – March 18th

Tuesday – P6 and P7 will be out for Cross Country.   Thursday – Middle Area Show.   Friday – Easter Church Service.   Mrs….

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Email notifications

Email notifications

Email test ltr 15 03 13

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This Week - March 11th

This Week – March 11th

Tuesday and Thursday – Parveen will be coming to talk about Islam.   Tuesday – Ms Herd will be taking children to the choir rehearsal,…

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This Week - March 4th

This Week – March 4th

Our P7 team – Hollie, Georgia, Laura, Eilidh and Lewis – came 2nd in the Rotary Quiz – well done!   This week is Book…

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