Minutes of Parent Council meeting 7th November 2012
Roslin Primary School Parent Council
Minutes of meeting 7 November 2012
1. Present: John Phillips(JP)(Chair), Claire Witney(CW)(Minutes), Annie Douglas(AD), Jennifer Allison(JA), Laura Cameron(LC), Sam Hamilton(SH), Lynn Harrower(LH), Teresa Reid(TR), Juliet Ridgway-Tait(JRT), Sean Lyon(SL), Chris Yapp(CY), Andrew Coventry(AC) (Councillor)
Apologies: Suzanne Rowe(SR), Shelley Kay(SK), Angela Newton(AN), Sarah Keer-Keer(SKK), Anna Hulton(AH), Mairi Needham(MN), Caroline Findlay(CF), Zoe Fergie(ZF), Pam Stewart(PS)
2. Minutes of meeting on 5th September accepted
3. Matters arising
a) Grounds: Installation of playground equipment due to commence week beginning 12th November weather permitting. It has been decided to postpone obtaining logs from Midlothian Council until new equipment is in use to assess whether they are still needed. TR mentioned that both nurseries have now chosen play equipment and Gary Cormack is aware that work is still required on the sensory garden at Bilston. CY advised that the Woodland Trust is again able to supply trees which will be of use in filling gaps in fence line and possibly in other locations. CY to forward the details to TR.
b) Music: The headsets and power packs are now in use during music lessons and the school has requested additional power points to be installed in the music room to ease use of electronic keyboards. JA had followed up with school contact the possibility of an after school club for music but the reply was not very encouraging. CW suggested we look within the community for volunteer to run an informal fun music session after school. JA advised they would need to be PVG approved. All with musical contacts to action.
c) Dog Fouling: JA posted notices to the community 4 weeks ago regarding the problem of dog fouling within the school grounds and stated the gates may be closed if the problem continued. It is still a daily problem within school along with the issue of hazardous litter after for example football games and fireworks. Discussion followed regarding the Health and Safety issues caused by open access to the school grounds plus the risk to pupils of strangers having access during break times. Various solutions were suggested including re-routing the public path to the edge of the school ground, fencing off the playground, locking all access points during break times and/or during the whole school day and improving the access to the school office from the gate to the pavilion car park. JP asked AC for some further advice and support from Midlothian Council and AC agreed to investigate the issue of the right of way and options available, including the possibility of funding any potential works. JRT advised there may be funds available from Sports Scotland who are promoting the use of the pavilion and may include upgrade of external areas to allow safe, easy access. In the meantime it was agreed that the gates be locked for the all break times but that Mr Stark will unlock the top area gate to allow access to nursery and for pupils going home for lunch and the P1 gate for pupils catching bus for an outing.(?)
d) Support for Learning: As a result of discussion at the last meeting, Laura Langdon(LL) has prepared a letter which will be issued to parents advising them their child will be receiving additional support and for what reason. PC members support this and suggested a few minor changes to ensure the letter does not cause unnecessary concern from parents. These included a short statement on additional support explaining that it is provided for pupils who are not coping as well as for those who need to be stretched, which area is being targeted for the pupil and how to contact the school for further information. JA to action further with LL.
4. Gate closure at break times (see item above)
5. Reading and Writing Policies
LC has been working with the Associated School Group (ASG) including Mauricewood and Beeslack to ensure continuity in reading and writing from primary to secondary and is implementing the policies within the school to ensure consistency across all stages. The policies have parts which are directed to teaching staff relating to planning etc but will also be of interest to parents. JP will put policies on school website.
6. School garden
CY advised it has been 2 years since the vegetable garden was first planted and he wanted to discuss how it is taken forward by school particularly in relation to Curriculum for Excellence (CfE). CY is still able to be involved but suggested it would be beneficial to have more volunteers and supported the suggestion of a gardening club. JA advised time constraints on teaching staff limit their involvement in a club but that parents and the wider community may be welcome to assist. JA will highlight areas of the experience and outcomes within CfE which would be relevant to gardening and make teachers aware so they can direct learning accordingly. JA, TR and CY to action.
7. Hand dryers
JA advised that a sizeable chunk of the school’s funds are spent on maintenance and repair of toilet facilities as well as purchase of paper towels which amounted to ₤500 last year. There is a particular issue of misuse of facilities in the changing area toilets at the gym leading to blockage and flooding and queried whether the PC would consider raising funds to install hand dryers. JRT has recent experience exploring this issue at another location and PC members agreed it would be worth investigating further. JP,JRT and JA to action (??)
8. Communication
JP has forwarded all email s received.
9. A.O.C.B
CW confirmed Broider Embroideries will be supplying the school uniform from now and is in the process of setting up the system with JP. JA will liaise with pupils regarding the colour of the hoodie for P7’s.
CW asked PC members if willing to fund Christmas parties for pupils and supply of Christmas trees for both sites. This amounted to around ₤200 last year. PC gave unanimous support.
CW asked for PC members willing to undertake Interview training to assist with recruitment of staff in school when required. SK had previously volunteered and JRT, AD, SL and SH are also willing to be involved. JP to arrange.
A survey of preferred day and time for PC meetings has resulted in a majority vote for Wednesday at 6.30pm and this will start as of the next meeting.
Date of next meeting is Wednesday 23rd January 2013 at 6.30pm at Bilston Annexe.
Dates of meetings rest of session
Wed 6th March Roslin Kirk Hall
Wed 8th May “ “ “
Wed 22nd May AGM Roslin Primary School
Wed 5th June Roslin Kirk Hall
Fundraising discussion resulted in following:
Definites: Christmas sale Sat 8th Dec 10-12
Dress down for Children in Need
Dress down for Red Nose Day
Sponsored Walk April (Health Week)
Proposed: Valentines Disco (pupils) Feb
Easter artwork fundraiser March
Race night (family) May
Sports Day catering June
Instead of Bag-2-school, it was agreed we trial having a permanent Outdoor Textile Bank from rag-bag sited at Rolsin and Bilston. JRT suggested it may be beneficial to still have a bags-2-school collection just after Christmas. CW to action in liaison with school.