Minutes of Parent Council meeting 14th March 2012

Roslin Primary School Parent Council

Minutes of meeting on 14th March 2012


1.              Present: Shelley Kay(SK), John Phillips(JP)(Chair), Anna Hulton(AH), Suzanne Rowe(SR), Claire Witney(CW)(Minutes), Nina Sobecka(NS), Annie Douglas(AD), Jennifer Allison(JA), Pat Brack(PB), Sean Lyon(SL), Lynne Harrower(LH),  Laura Cameron(LC), Pam Stewart(PS), Sam Hamilton(SH), Owen Thompson(OT (Councillor)

              Apologies: Juliet Ridgway-Tait(JRT), Mairi Needham(MN), Angela Newton (AN), Teresa Reid(TR), Fran Jones(FJ), Suzanne Black(SB), Kim Blair(KB), Caroline Findlay (CF), Sarah Keer-Keer(SKK)


2.              Minutes of meeting on 25th January accepted


3.              Matters arising

              a) Hedge & fence – Planting is on 16th March by school and on 17th March by community groups.  Posters are on display and there will be refreshments in the pavilion on the Saturday.  JP has mended the gaps in the fence and CW thanked him on behalf of the PC and school for his time and effort.

To allow safe access from the pavilion car park to the school, it has been agreed the gate directly opposite the school entrance will be unlocked.  JA will also discuss with staff the opening of a similar gate at Bilston. 

b) Pupil Council – The pupils greatly appreciate the budget donated by the PC.  They require new play equipment for break times and will discuss which items are desired by each class.  CW suggested we send a letter to parents requesting donation of unwanted items on this list.  OT gave information about grants available for taster sessions and sports equipment and passed the details to JP to investigate.  PC will continue to liaise with Pupil Council and pupils may attend PC meeting if appropriate.

Action: Pupil Council to prepare wish list of play equipment

                JP to investigate possibility of grant to purchase equipment


              c) Homework survey – The draft Homework policy is on the school website for parents to view and feedback.  AH and JA have drafted the homework survey for distribution to parents with a target for replies of June, so the policy can be confirmed for next session.  The Behaviour policy is available to view too and it was suggested we ask parents for their views on this at the same time.  The possibility of using an online response via survey monkey was suggested as well as giving the option of a paper copy.

Action: AH to compete Homework policy survey

                CW and JA to liaise to produce survey for Behaviour policy

                JA to investigate possibility of using survey monkey for parents to reply


4. Head Teacher’s report

– CfE update: Staff is working on consistency in forward planning throughout school and liaising with Beeslack to ensure continuation to secondary.  Professional dialogue with staff in Penicuik schools on Interdisciplinary learning is ongoing and will lead to area wide approach.  The Early years Development Officer is working with staff in Nursery and P1. 

– Standardised testing: This provides a summative assessment to track year on year development for whole class and individual pupils.  Midlothian Council pays for PIPS at P1 and tests at P4 and 7.  School has purchased tests for the other years and results will be used to address teaching issues as well as to target support for individuals.  Parents are able to ask for their child’s results after the Easter holidays.

– Easter service: Monday 26th March at Roslin Kirk.  Some parents have voiced concern however this is part of the Religious & Moral teaching which encompasses all religions in various ways during the school year.  PC support church services as they provide a link with the wider community and allow a whole school event.

– Audit: JA discussed the session with Phil Denning and the self evaluation carried out by staff.  This feeds into the School Improvement Plan which is updated in June.

– Anti bullying statement: JA forwarded a draft statement to CW for review.  AH, SR, SL, SK and PS also volunteered to give feedback.

Action: CW to forward statement to PC members listed

– E-mail communication to parents: JA has been working with office staff and the intention is to use a mailing system via SEEMIS which will avoid the risk of distributing confidential information accidentally.  Parents will be directed to the school website to view letters.  Any item which requires a parent’s signature will continue to be issued on paper.  A mobile phone texting system is now in place for notification of school closures etc.


5. School Uniform

JA discussed the wearing of school uniform across the years and suggested a distinctive piece of uniform for P7 pupils.  This was supported by PC.  The current supplier only allows uniform to be ordered once in the session therefore alternative companies will be researched with the possibility of orders being placed online.

Action: JP and CW to research uniform supply


6. Photographer

Tempest offer a more informal pose for group photographs and JA queried whether this would be preferable.  Currently, a whole class photo is taken at P1 and P7.  PC members agreed it should also be taken at P4 from next session with the option of formal or fun shots for parents to make the choice.


7. Bilston Friday bus

At present, the bus leaves at 12.45pm on a Friday allowing children to have a lunch, however many pupils do not have lunch in school and have to wait in the canteen for the extra 20minutes.  JA suggested the bus depart at 12:30 with the opportunity of a packed lunch being taken home by children entitled to a free school meal and those wishing to purchase one. 

Action: JA to consult with parents concerned.


8.              Grounds Update

AH gave an update on behalf of the working party on recent developments.  A meeting was held with Gary Cormack (Landscape Architect) and Scott Jones (Health & Safety) from Midlothian Council.  Only pre-approved equipment can be used to comply with health and safety standards however, Gary Cormack would be willing to inspect any installation organised by PC.  The working party will investigate options and costs.   OT stated that there is no central fund for improving grounds of older schools to the standard of newer builds however; councillors may have funds which can be applied for.  AH said the eco dress down day raised funds to buy fruit trees and SKK and CY had secured funding for an apple tree to be sited in the infant area along with a no mow zone.  The tree trunks have been requested but JA not heard back from James Kinch.  SK mentioned that ASDA are funding local projects and may be an option for the grounds project.

Action: SK to email ASDA contact to AH

                JA to contact James Kinch re tree trunks


9.              Communication

Thank you card received from Pam (playground assistant)


10.               A.O.C.B

– NS to arrange fundraiser event for musical instruments.  PS and CW agreed to help.

– CW queried types of fruit given to infants and wastage.  JA agreed to audit and arrange for any extra to be given to older pupils.

– LC working on handwriting policy.  At research stage and may pilot scheme for MC.

– AH advised there is ₤2275 in the bank account

– JA thanked parents for their book donations at the Parent Consultation evenings.

– PC thanked OT for funding the school sign which has been installed at the P1 gate.

– JA, KB and SR researched a whole school theatre trip with the preferred option being the Brunton Theatre at Christmas time for Puss ‘n Boots.  Tickets cost ₤6.50 plus cost of travel.  SK has contact in travel and will explore favourable cost.

– Sponsored walk is on Thursday 17th May

– Olympic torch procession is on Thursday 14th June.

– PB thanked PC for funding active maths dice


Date of next meeting is Wednesday 9th May 2012 in Roslin Kirk Hall 7pm

Dates of meetings for rest of session:

23rd May 2012 AGM (In school)

13th June 2012 (Roslin Kirk)