Learning and Teaching

Religious Observance


According to the Scottish Government’s Provision of Religious Observance in Schools document (updated March 2017), Religious Observance is defined as follows:

“Community acts which aim to promote the spiritual development of all members of the school’s community and express and celebrate the shared values of the school community” and CfE Briefing 16 states it ‘provides opportunities for the school community to express and celebrate values which are considered common human values.’


Roslin Primary School is a non-denominational school, however we do visit the local church and welcome the local Reverend to our services. We hold six assemblies each year that involve our religious observance – New Beginnings, Harvest, St Andrew’s Day, Christmas, Easter and Moving On.


The right to withdraw from religious observance

There is a statutory provision in section 9 of the 1980 Act for parents to withdraw their children from participation in RO. This right should always be made known to parents and their views respected. Parents should be provided with sufficient information on which to base a decision about exercising this right.


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