Poems by P2


I can see a boy playing tennis.

I can hear music.

I can touch a dog.

I can taste cake.

I can smell sausages.

By  Rhiannon and



                                              I can see a football player.

                                              I can hear the Hearts’ song.

                                              I can touch the goals.

                                              I can taste fizzy juice.

                                              I can smell a hotdog.

                                                      By Adam and Devyn


               I can see trees and leaves.

               I can hear the wind.

               I can taste my sweets.

               I can smell the flowers.

               I can touch my teddy bear.

                       By Jessamy and Sean


                                      I can see all my friends working.

                                      I can hear noises.

                                      I can touch a banana.

                                      I can taste spaghetti bolognaise.

                                      I can smell fresh air.

                                           By  Jessica and Matthew Sm.


I can see flowers.

I can hear Music.

I can touch chips.

I can taste aI  cake.

I can smell smoke.

By Blair and Xinyue


                              I can touch paper.

                              I can hear the wind.

                              I can see smoke.                      

                              I can taste juice.

                              I can smell a barbecue.

                                     By Matthew Sc. and  Sally


I can see bees, butterflies, caterpillars and snails.

I can see Lucy walking.

I can touch an orange.

I can taste a barbecue.

I can smell flowers.

By Ollie and Sophie


                       I can see a bunch of flowers.

                       I can hear birds chirping.

                       I can touch a cup.

                       I can taste Calzone.

                       I can smell roses.

                              By Emily and Charlie


I can see words.

I can hear the timer.

I can touch a pencil.

I can smell a birthday cake.

I can taste sweeties.

By Keira F. and Arran


                                       I can see a love heart.

                                       I can hear talking.

                                       I can touch a dog.

                                       I can taste a sandwich.

                                      I can smell perfume. 

                                            By Lucy and Alasdair


I can see a book.

I can hear a song.

I can taste a jelly.

I can touch glasses.

I can smell a barbecue.

By Lily and Paige.


                                I can see a football.

                                I can hear rustling grass.

                                I can touch glass.

                               I can taste strawberries.

                               I can smell chocolate spread.

                                       By Alfie and Frida