New School Meals Payment System

have just been informed that the authority is introducing a new school payment system for school meals. The system goes live on 24th August 2017.


Please ensure your children bring payment with them on the first day back using the prep-payment envelopes enclosed. This can be any amount and be in all cash denominations from 10p coins up to £20 notes. The cost of a lunch will be £1.90 from next term.  Cheques (payable to: Midlothian Council) are accepted and must be sent in the Pre-payment envelope. Extra envelopes will be available from the office.  Please ensure the front of the envelope is filled out with the name of the child the payment is for – if payment is for more than one child, please indicate the breakdown of the total against each child’s name.  Envelopes must be sealed and given to the class teacher. All payments are securely held on your child’s account until spent.


Please ensure you keep your child’s account topped up – occasional reminders will be sent should this be necessary. Free school meal pupils have amounts credited to their account daily and as such there is total anonymity in this respect.


As with any new system, it will take time to adjust to this. If you have any questions regarding this please contact the school office who will be happy to answer your queries.