Staffing Changes

I have been busy over the past few weeks re-organising staffing at Roslin Primary for a number of different reasons. I finalised most of the staffing with Midlothian Authority on Friday.

Mrs Berry is going on maternity leave at the end of September. Congratulations to Mrs Langdon who was successful at the interviews for Acting PT and will begin this post also at the end of September.  Mrs Langdon will continue her Sfl role as well as supporting the HT with management duties. Miss Pow and Mrs Roy will support Mrs Langdon in her Sfl role.

Congratulations to Miss Mathers, who was successful in gaining an Acting PT post at Woodburn Primary. This is a secondment for a year and she starts there in August.  We are delighted for Miss Mathers and wish her every success in her new post.

Mrs Burton will be joining us to teach P3 next session. She is an experienced teacher from Edinburgh Council who comes with a glowing reference.  We are delighted she is joining our team.

Mr John Deed is returning to Roslin Primary to teach P6. Mr Deed had a very successful year with us as a newly qualified teacher 2 years ago and we are pleased he will be back teaching at Roslin again.

Miss Pow will now job share with Mrs Finlayson and teach P5. Miss Pow on a Mon/Tue and Fridays.  Mrs Finlayson on a Wed/Thurs.  On a Wed/Thurs Miss Pow will do development work for Mrs Wilson which will include maths, NQT mentor and some Sfl in maths.

Mrs McCue who is a CCDW in the nursery on a Thurs/Fri will be leaving at the end of term to work in East Lothian. She has been a valued member of the nursery team. I am waiting to hear from the authority who the new CCDW will be. Nursery hours for support staff have still to be confirmed by the authority.  I am hoping to be able to offer Mrs Rennie some hours in the nursery.

Finally, Eric Stark our janitor for 8 years will be retiring on Friday 29th June.  Please see our summer newsletter which includes many happy memories of his time with the staff and children.  A special assembly will be held for him on Thursday 28th June 2018.

I feel all the new appointments will further strengthen our team and I look forward to them starting in August. I also would like to wish all the staff that are leaving every success in their new ventures.


Yours sincerely