The P7 class in Roslin Primary School have offered guided tours at Rosslyn Chapel for visiting schools for over ten years. Unfortunately tours were not…

We are delighted to say that Primary 7 have been shortlisted in the Scottish Education Awards 2017. Only 3 across the whole of Scotland are…

We are very excited to share this new video produced by the Chapel introducing our very own Junior Tour Guides.

Pupils in the afternoon nursery and P1 & P2 were delighted by a visit from the Countess of Rosslyn yesterday, who gave an exclusive reading…

We are very excited for our Junior Tour Guides evening performance on Monday 30 March in Rosslyn Chapel. Families have been invited by their children, and…

Over the last few months I have built up confidence and I have had fun. Lewis I have become louder and clearer and I can…

I think I have got better at saying things and standing in front of an audience. By Cameron

I think JTG at Roslin Chapel has improved my confidence and has given me a louder voice in front of a large audience. By Anna…

In the past few months I have been feeling very proud of myself. Even though I only had a few lines. I am more confident,…