On Monday we went into the hall and the school sang a song for the cd. I enjoyed it because I like singing. We did…

We painted bonfire pictures and made rockets for bonfire night. We also wrote a poem. FIREWORKS Flames from the fire are crackling I wrap…

I think I have got better at saying things and standing in front of an audience. By Cameron

The infant area are currently working on a nativaty play called ‘Charlie the Lazy Elf’ ‘about an elf called Charlie and he is very lazy. Santa…

I think JTG at Roslin Chapel has improved my confidence and has given me a louder voice in front of a large audience. By Anna…

In the past few months I have been feeling very proud of myself. Even though I only had a few lines. I am more confident,…

On Monday 15th November a man came into the school to record all the children singing for a school CD. P4 sang an awesome song…

Over the last few months I have built up confidence and I have had fun. Lewis G I have become louder and clearer and I…

Junior Tour Guiding has been really fun and I am looking forward to doing it every month. By Greg