Minutes of Parent Council AGM Wednesday 23rd May 2012

Minutes of Parent Council AGM

Wednesday 23rd May 2012


1. Welcome & Apologies

Present: Sarah Keer-Keer (SKK), John Philips (JP), Julie Owenson (JO), Kim Blair (KB), Mairi Needham (MN), Jennifer Allison (JA), Sean Lyon (SL), Claire Witney (CW) (minutes), Suzanne Rowe (SR), Teresa Reid (TR), Nina Sobecka (NS)

Apologies: Shelley Kay (SK), Pam Stewart (PS), Angela Newton (AN), Pat Brack (PB), Caroline Findlay (CF), Anna Hulton (AH)


2. Minutes of AGM May 2011



3. Matters Arising



4. Election of Office Bearers

Chair           John Phillips          Proposed CW         Seconded SKK

Vice            Shelley Kay                         JP                         CW

Treasurer    Anna Hulton                        NS                                 MN

Secretary    Claire Witney                      JP                         SR

Elections unopposed.  No notification of any changes to ordinary members received.


5. Report on year

JP reported back on the activities undertaken by the PC over the past year.  He commented on the success of the merger of PTA and PC and how we have managed to increase the number of parents involved while retaining most of the previous PTA and PC.  The PC has been working in close partnership with the school on a variety of areas and a lot has been achieved in small increments during this time including:

Ground improvements – Various activities at both sites including planting of trees, hedges, wild flower meadows and vegetable garden; funding secured for play equipment; completion of mosaics (vote of thanks to SL, SKK and Tim Rowe); new gate and fencing to improve security and new signage (vote of thanks to Owen Thompson).

Behaviour and Homework Policies – These have been implemented and JA has been working with CW and AH on a survey to gauge parent’s response before they are finalised for next session.

School Handbook – JA, CW and AH have been working on a new School Handbook and have agreed the contents.  The final document will be available next session on the website and will be issued to new parents to the school.

Music tuition – NS, SR, JP and CW formed the music working party and have liaised closely with school to introduce recorder tuition and improve instrumental resources available.

Fundraising – Events have included Roslin Fun Day stall, Our School Calendar, Christmas bazaar, Ceilidh and the Bookshop, which has continued to be a great success.

Recruitment of staff – PC members were involved in the successful selection of our new Learning Support Teacher and Principal Teacher.


JA commented on how successful working closely with parents has been and the importance of continuing this level of involvement to benefit the school.


6. Treasurer’s report

CW gave a brief report on behalf of AH.  The balance of the PC fund as at 20th April 2012 is ₤2325.61.


7. A.O.C.B

– JA advised that Liz Stevenson (music teacher) is retiring and Grant Alexander (GA) will take music lessons from P3 to P7.  There will be an alternative member of the current staff involved in singing and music at assemblies and this will be made public at time of the class lists and school reports.  Concern was voiced that specialist teaching time had been lost and whether African drums would still be used to the planned level.  It was agreed that the music working party meet with GA and JA to discuss further.  JA to arrange.

– JP discussed issue of new stage for the school and agreed to lead a working party to secure/plan funding for this.  SKK suggested setting aside an amount from current funds to put towards the stage costs and to co-opt Sam Maguire to assist with seeking funding.

– PC members complimented the school staff on the success of Health Week

– SR suggested a Science Day or week similar to the Health Week with various activities and will liaise with JA and the Roslin Institute.  It was also suggested school approach Moredun.  JA advised that Dorothy Denham is leading working group to explore local opportunities.  JA and SR to action.

– JO commented on the success of the celidh and the choice of venue and suggested a family disco would be a good whole school event to hold again at Bilston Miners.  All PC were pleased at the turn out to the ceilidh, especially families from Bilston and agreed it would be beneficial to hold more events there including possibly PC meetings.  JP to make enquiries.

– SR asked about the letters to P1 parents as still had not received anything from school since query at the last PC meeting.  JA advised all letters had been sent out and that possibly it had gone astray, but for SR to visit school to check with office staff and confirm enrolment.



JA thanked all PC members for their contribution over the past year.


Next meeting Wednesday 13th June Roslin Kirk Hall 7pm.