Minutes of Parent Council meeting 9 May 2012

Roslin Primary School Parent Council

Minutes of meeting 9 May 2012

1.       Present: Shelley Kay(SK), John Phillips(JP)(Chair), Anna Hulton(AH), Suzanne Rowe(SR), Claire Witney(CW)(Minutes), Nina Sobecka(NS), Annie Douglas(AD), Jennifer Allison(JA), Sean Lyon(SL), Lynne Harrower(LH),  Laura Cameron(LC), Pam Stewart(PS), Sam Hamilton(SH), Angela Newton(AN), Sarah Keer-Keer(SKK), Mairi Needham(MN), Kim Blair(KB), Caroline Findlay(CF)

       Apologies: Juliet Ridgway-Tait(JRT), Pat Brack(PB). Teresa Reid(TR), Fran Jones(FJ), Suzanne Black(SB), Julie Owenson(JO)


2.       Minutes of meeting on 14th March accepted


3.       Matters arising

a) A vote of thanks was extended to all who helped with tree panting and sowing the wild flower meadows and for planting the vegetable garden in P4/5 area.  The children are really pleased with the changes to their playground so far.  AH requested that the PC funds cover the ₤44 for the stakes for the trees – this was unanimously agreed.  The cost of the trees was covered by funds from the Green dress down day plus around ₤8 from PC funds.  The apple tree is yet to be invoiced but will be in the region of ₤100.  SKK will apply for a grant to cover this cost otherwise it will be paid for from PC funds.  Les Thacker has provided funding in the region of ₤13000 for play equipment in the nurseries at Bilston and Roslin and for a trim trail in P1,2,3 area.  Nursery staff is finalising selection of equipment and all will be installed over the summer.


b) Pupil Council is disappointed with the lack of response to their letter for games and equipment.  It was suggested they reissue their request as it was circulated at a time when many other letters were sent home


c) Homework and Behaviour surveys will be completed by week ending 18/5/12 and will be put on the website with a letter issued inviting parents to reply via survey monkey.  JA will then finalise the document for the start of next session.


d) The theatre trip to the Brunton has been booked for “Puss’n Boots” on Thursday 29th November.  This is a P1 to P7 whole school trip.  SK recommended the bus company Charlie Irons and they have been approved and have given a good deal on cost.


4.       Upcoming events

Ceilidh on Friday 11th May to raise funds for musical instruments, specifically African drum set offer which is still available.

Health Week from Monday 14th May with various sports activities, Fischy music and health eating. Also litter pick with appropriate safety equipment.

Sponsored Walk on Thursday 17th May as part of health week.  P7 will design logo for stickers to be presented to all pupils at the end.  MN agreed to organise fruit pots as per last year.

P7 camp starts on Monday 21st May to Ben More.  Chapel fundraising tour raised additional ₤460 towards the cost, around ₤12 per pupil.

Sports Day – Friday 1st June (or 8th or 22nd if poor weather).  NS, CW, JP and JA have discussed format of the day which will be based on an Olympic theme with competitive races.  The whole school will be divided into teams, those being Spain, Brazil, Madagascar and Australia and pupils will be asked to wear a t-shirt corresponding to their teams colour.  There will be an opening parade then races will start with heats followed by a final.  Points will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the heats and the final.  Pupils will compete against their classmates with boys and girls races being held separately.  AN has agreed to organise refreshments including possibly hot dogs and strawberries at the end of the sports.  There will also be juice and water available to be located near the competitive field.


JA discussed possibility of PC funding sports strips for interschool competition.  A t-shirt with embroidered school badge and number was proposed.  CW suggested sponsorship from a company like ASDA with their logo being included in the design.  SK suggested the Community Council may be willing to fund the strip and agreed to ask at the next meeting.  The estimated cost is in the region of ₤400 but will be clarified with regard to embroidered design.


5.       PC AGM

This will be held on Wednesday 23rd May at 7pm and will follow the more informal format as per last year.  It was agreed to have champagne and strawberries and MN volunteered to organise.  Venue is GP room but let to be organized – CW to request.


6.       School uniform

KB, AH, MN, LH and CW available to help sort when comes in to school.


7.       Bilston Friday bus

JA consulted Bilston parents regarding the time the bus departs on Friday and one parent objected to it leaving at 12.30pm with pupils being provided with a packed lunch to take home where required.  PC members from Bilston still support the change and JA will investigate options further.  Bilston parents on PC would prefer to keep the minibus service for P3.


8.       P7 leaving celebration

The PTA had provided an amount of funding for P7 leavers event last year which was matched from school funds and the question was posed should the PC donate funds on a yearly basis towards the cost of the leaving celebration whatever form it may take.  A vote was held and the majority supported ₤4 per head from PC funds to be matched by school from this year forward.


9.       Communication


10.     A.O.C.B

– PS queried why no recording is permitted at school shows etc.  JA explained that due to child protection issues for some pupils, photography has to be kept to parent’s own children.

– PS queried the public holiday dates being taken by schools in Midlothian for the Diamond Jubilee.  Most offices will be closed on the Tuesday 5th June, whereas pupils are off Monday 4th.  The Scottish government website states both the 4th and 5th are public holidays.  JP and PS to liaise and email Midlothian Council.

– SKK suggested we order instruments through the school as they are not subject to VAT and proposed that this be an option for parents ordering instruments on an individual basis.

– JA advised that reports will be issued week commencing 11th June and class teacher information will be available around the same time.

– CW mentioned that PC has been approached to hold stall again at Roslin Fun Day and asked members to consider being involved.  SKK and CW held a hook the duck and chuck the welly stall last year which was very popular.

– A major item on the school wish list is a new stage as the current one is cumbersome and heavy to manouvre posing a health and safety issue as well as not being ideal for purpose.  The cost of a new stage will be in the region of ₤3400.  It was suggested we approach in the first instance one of the new councillors for funding/contribution towards the cost.  JP agreed to action.

– PS mentioned possibility of buying new set of Michael Morpugo books at ₤160 per set of 16.   It was agreed this should be investigated and discussed again for approval of spend from PC funds.

– SR raised a query regarding P1 letters as had not received the uniform and milk order forms from school and was concerned other parent’s may be in similar position, especially if their child is not at the school nursery.  JA advised she was unaware of any problem and best to discuss with school office staff directly.



Date of next meeting is Wednesday 13th June in Roslin Kirk Hall at 7pm